Liquid Facelift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah - Non Surgical Facelift

DUBAI, we have a Face-lift for you.

The long-awaited non-surgical skin lift is now possible with Liquid Facelift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. This procedure is ideal for patients who want to address aging issues such as loss of volume or wrinkles in less time without incurring any surgical complications and expensive prices.

What is a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a procedure that uses a combination of injections to help plump up the skin. This helps age-related skin changes such as wrinkles cheeks, jaws, temples. Hyaluronic acid or collagen-based fillers such as Botox, Dysport, Radiesse, and Sculptra are the most common injections used in a liquid facelift and when injected allow the skin tissue to be lifted as a whole.

This facelift is in higher demand due to its less invasive nature and lower cost than a surgical facelift. But it is not recommended in cases where patients do not have good skin elasticity and suffer from severe age-related problems. We can tell patients whether this treatment is right for them or not, only after consultation, depending on their medical condition and desired results.

Which injections are used in a Liquid Facelift?

  1. Botox Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau
  2. Juvederm, Restylane, and Belotero
  3. Radiesse and Sculptra


The results of a liquid facelift are instant, last about twelve months, and are reversible. They appear as a more toned, contoured face that can make you look younger than you really are..

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Liquid Facelift in Abu Dhabi Liquid Facelift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi  Liquid Facelift in Dubai

Are you a Good Candidate?

Good candidates for a Liquid Facelift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah are those who are experiencing mild to moderate signs of aging and are not ready to undergo invasive surgery. We generally recommend this procedure for patients who are generally healthy and do not suffer from allergic reactions to needles.

Preparation before Liquid Facelift:

No special preparation is required before a liquid facelift as the procedure is non-invasive in nature. It is probably recommended to live a healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and caffeine. On the day of the procedure, patients should avoid makeup, lotions, creams, and skin plucking, which can irritate the skin. Heavy jewelry and uncomfortable clothing should also be avoided.

What to expect during the procedure?

The process of liquid facelift in Dubai is quick, painless, and only takes 20-40 minutes. Patients are given multiple injections at marked points on the face. Then the injection area is massaged so that the filler is smoothly fixed and there are no bumps left. These injections can in most cases be given in one session, after which candidates are allowed to go home with special instructions.

Aftercare Instructions:

  • Avoid exposure to heat such as gyms, spas, or sun exposure.
  • Apply ice packs to your face and neck to reduce swelling
  • Take prescribed medications if you sense any discomfort.
  • Facial movements should be limited for at least a few days.

Pros and Cons of Liquid Facelift:


  • Cheaper and safer than a surgical facelift.
  • Offers almost the same results as surgery
  • Restores volume rather than stretching the skin for a natural result.
  • No recovery or downtime


  • Temporary nature of results
  • Minor and temporary burns
  • Redness or discoloration
  • Itching or mild rash

Liquid Facelift (FAQ’S):

The patients are likely to observe the positive influence of the process after a week or two after going through the session. 

While being rational, the patients need to enquire regarding the personalized post-cautionary measure from the specialist. Still, on a generalistic note, the patients can place the ice packs on the cured portion of the face along with the arnica forte in order to minimize the eruption of bruises. 

On a generalistic note, the outcome of the process is permanent. However, the patients need to follow the customized measures in order to maintain the influence of the session for a longer period of time along with overall health and weight as well.

However, it relies upon the intensity of the procedure along with the overall health condition of the patient. Still, on a generalistic note, the patients are expected to receive almost ten syringes.  

To be precise, yes, any individual is capable of reaching out for the session of the liquid facelift. The individual who is bearing the consequences of the saggy and wrinkled dermal and epidermal layers can sign up for the treatment regardless, of any basic reason prohibiting the patient.

In one way or another, the patients are capable of owning a rejuvenated and youthful appearance of the dermal layer. While also getting rid of the saggy and wrinkled skin. 

However, the patients are able to receive a personalized period of time in order to recover from the hustle of the process. Still on the generalistic stance the procedure rarely holds a brief period of time as categorized as downtime. 

Cost of Liquid Facelift:

The average cost of a liquid facelift in Dubai ranges from AED 2,000 to AED 10,000. The type of fillers used, the number of injections and the quantity of filler can affect this cost range. Cost considerations may also depend on the skill of the physician and the additional procedures required in your case.

Consult an expert for Liquid Facelift:

Restoring volume with a liquid facelift is a delicate process that requires a careful hand and the artistic skill of doctors. Several injections such as Botox, along with dermal fillers, must be done by competent doctors who are capable enough to give you elegant skin that you will wear for the rest of your life. As long as you are meeting with experienced doctors, you can look forward to more excellent results.

Meet our team of experienced doctors below.

Book an Appointment:

Provide us with your details in the short form below to book a consultation for a Liquid Facelift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Book an appointment by filling out the consultation form below and proceeding to the treatment with our experts.