Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi - Cost & Deals

A remarkable hair transplantation technique that combines the benefits and results of both FUT and FUE in a single treatment. It is much more effective than standard FUT and FUE techniques. It has been rated as the topmost hair restoration technique by both the surgeons and the sufferers of hair loss. We have experienced physicians, surgeons, and consultants that are experts in stem cells therapies and procedures. Ha3ir follicles consist of stem cells that regenerate damaged cells. This technique involves utilizing a machine-driven tool to gather the donor hair follicles. It works in the same way as the traditional punch machine that we use in FUE but it is much quicker but with a lot of accuracy and precision. A non-surgical procedure to stimulate hair follicle’ growth. It helps in amplifying the hair cells to grow at higher rates to treat baldness and hair loss. In comparison with FUE, a very small number of hair follicles are drawn out, thus leaving behind a large number of follicles in the donor area. These remaining hair follicles play a wide role in giving birth to new hair follicles.

Who are the Candidates?

Anybody who is experiencing alopecia or hair thinning and is looking for the fastest hair restoration technique then somatic Stem Cell FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is the best option. To check if you are an ideal candidate or not, consider the following aspects,

  1. Enough donor area on your scalp to transfer sufficient follicles onto the recipient area
  2. If you have a tight scalp then you are not a good candidate of FUT. Such patients are recommended to go for somatic cell FUE.
  3. To get this transplant done your age must be more than 25 years
  4. People can conjointly get benefit from it if they are seeking for facial hair transplants.


  1. Quicker grafts extractions with more accuracy and precision
  2. It has low grafts damage and destruction rate
  3. Only technique through which follicles are regenerated in the donor area
  4. Painless and scar-less procedure
  5. Very short recovery time with more successful results
  6. 2500-4000 grafts can be easily inserted in one session
  7. Grafts retention have extremely positive results
  8. Long-lasting results

Results of Stem Cell Transplant Dubai:

Stem Cell Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai  stem cell hair transplant dubai  Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi

Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi  Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Dubai  Best Stem Cell Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai

Stem Cell FUE Techniques:

There exist a wide range of stem cell techniques to help you regain your lost hair. These include ;

Pre-Op Instructions:

  1. Avoid smoking and especially second-hand smoking for a week or two before the surgery
  2. Alcohol consumption should be prohibited
  3. Avoid consuming blood thinners before the surgery
  4. Clear all the tests suggested by your doctor and submit reports to the transplant clinic


Following are the steps that must be performed to complete the Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi.

  1. Before beginning the procedure the hairline will be drawn and the donor area will be shaved.
  2. After marking the donor area the patient is administered to local anesthesia to cause numbness
  3. After getting the donor area numbed, the surgeon’s team will start the unit extraction process by utilizing the machine-driven punch tool.
  4. One of the team members will collect the grafts and will forward it to the technical team for trimming.
  5. After trimming the grafts to the desired size patient’s recipient area will be administered to the local anesthesia to make the transplantation part painless.
  6. Small incisions at the recipient area are made
  7. To complete the surgery, the surgeon then carefully inserts these extracted grafts into these incisions.

Post-Op Instructions:

  • avoid washing your head for 24 hours after the procedure
  • Avoid unnecessary touching of scalp
  • Avoid exposing your scalp to direct sunlight, prefer wearing a cap while going out
  • To avoid itching apply all the prescribed topical medications including ointments

Stem Cell Hair Transplant In Dubai  FAQ’s:

However, on a generalistic note, the patients are expected to be charged somewhat between AED 10,000 to AED 40,000.

According to the researchers, yes it is beneficial and a good option to commence with the treatment, but still, there are certain cautionary measures that are helpful in maintaining the positive influence of the procedure for a longer period of time. 

Taking into account the realistic cost of the procedure, it is extracted that the patients are likely to be billed between AED 1500 to AED 4150, without compromising upon the quality of the sessions.  

On the whole, the price merely varies depending upon the intensity of the process regardless of its location still the patients are expected to be charged between AED 1,500 to AED 4,150

While undergoing the consultation of the experienced and professional team along with following the cautionary measures before, during, and after the process, the patients are expected to cherish the successful and positive influence of the session. 

While amalgamating the PRP and stem cell therapy the patients are expected to be billed somewhere approximately AED 700, or relying upon the personalized intensity and need of the individual. 

Though it can merely be extracted from the customized course of action still the patients are expected to be charged from AED 700 to AED 1,200


  • Do not take blood thinners for two or three weeks after the transplant
  • Take recommended painkillers in case if you feel pain
  • The recovery period varies from 3 days to a week
  • You just have to follow the post-operation care instructions given by your doctor

Schedule a Free Consultation

Enfield Royal clinic aims to offer effective Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi and the surrounding areas. For further queries don’t hesitate to contact us. Fill in our online consultation form. We strongly ensure that you’ll be completely satisfied after consulting.