Thigh lift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi

The skin on the inner thighs can become loose and sagging after massive weight loss or as a result of age-related changes in the body. At the same time, the legs lose their tone and elasticity, causing the appearance of psychological complexes and provoking various inconveniences in everyday life, such as the inability to wear short clothes, bathing suits, etc. Thigh Lift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi can eliminate excess thickness and sagging tissues in the outer or inner thighs.

What is a Thigh Lift?

The treatment is performed to correct sagging and disorders in the thigh region caused by various reasons. With the effect of rapid, excessive weight gain or loss, and aging results in a loss of elasticity in the skin, the skin deteriorates and becomes unable to recover itself. With the effect of gravity, sagging occurs in the thigh area. this area loses its aesthetic appearance due to factors such as post-pregnancy, birth, aging, weight gain, gravity, and soft skin. These deformities can be removed with thigh lift surgery.

Results of Thigh Lift Dubai:

You can get a beautiful contour of the thighs, the outer and inner surfaces both. The most important result is the harmonization of the contours of the body as a whole. You do not get any major scars and achieve a reduction in fatty tissue.

Thigh lift Clinic in Abu Dhabi  Thigh lift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi  Thigh lift in Abu Dhabi

Thigh lift Dubai & Abu Dhabi  Thigh lift Clinic in Dubai  Thigh lift Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi


The treatment has the following advantages:

  • Individual approach in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease
  • Experienced professionals with extensive experience
  • Minimum length of the stay in the hospital, which allows you to start early rehabilitation
  • International standard equipment
  • The preparation for surgery only takes 2 to 3 days
  • It is a comprehensive treatment from diagnosis to rehabilitation

Ideal Candidate:

The Thighplasty in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is suitable for someone not having the following conditions:

  • Varicose veins, neoplasms
  • Blood diseases associated with blood clotting
  • Acute infections
  • Endocrine disorders


When preparing for the operation, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • You should stay hydrated and drink plenty of water up to three liters per day
  • Limit or eliminate the intake of hormones, as well as drugs for blood thinning
  • Follow a special diet
  • Give up alcohol and smoking as it will slow down the healing process
  • Do not play sports or get involved in any physically straining activity
  • Stop playing sports for a few months


The treatment is performed under local anesthesia in combination with sedatives or under general anesthesia, depending on the indications of the doctor and the wishes of the patient.

In the first stage, liposuction of the inner surface of the thigh is performed.

Then the sagging skin is excised, and new contours of the hips are formed by stretching the skin. This intervention provides excellent results; the patient can return home on the same day, or stay overnight in the clinic, depending on the recommendations of the doctor and the extent of the procedure. The recovery period lasts about two weeks.


After the treatment, the patient can be discharged after one or two days. The external stitches are removed on the 10th day and if they are dissolvable, they will go away on their own.

  • For two weeks after the treatment, the patient will face symptoms like high fever, hyperemia, swelling, numbness of the skin, burning, and pain at the site of surgery. The use of painkillers may also be suggested by the doctor.
  • Within a week after the operation, you cannot sit, or bend down, you can only lie on your back. For a month after the treatment, it is necessary to treat wounds twice a day with antiseptic solutions.
  • To reduce the severity of bruising and swelling, as well as to avoid divergence of the seams while walking, you should wear special compression underwear.
  • Within three months after the treatment, it is forbidden to massage or rub the area, visit saunas, or baths, or treat scars with creams and ointments for quick healing.
  • Before the formation of the scar, you can sunbathe, otherwise, age spots may appear.

Thigh Lift FAQ’S:

As a matter of fact, the patients are likely to receive customized responses regarding the expected or unexpected downtime faced by the patient. Still, on a generalistic note, the patients are likely to bear it for almost two weeks. 

To be precise, yes, the positive outcome of the session is capable of being almost permanent. However, the patient may need to follow the customized cautionary measures as well to cherish and maintain the influence of the process.  

Well, this can be extracted from the personalized physical and health examination of the individual. Still, on a generalistic note, female individuals are likely to own 4.00-28.30 mm and 2.25-21.75 mm of males.   

To be precise, it is a major surgical session to tighten the dermal and epidermal layer present on the upper thighs. However, the session is also capable of being molded according to the needs of the patient. 

A thigh (quadriceps) strain is categorized as one of the common injuries observed by the patients.  

The individuals try to get rid of the saggy dermal and epidermal layers in order to own attractive thighs. Along with that they also try to own personalized specific shape and overall texture of the thighs as well.  

Though depending upon the personalized requirement of the patient, the technique for the session is organized. Still, on a realistic and generalistic note, the patients are likely to encounter the surgical or invasive course of action, in order to reshape the thighs.

Cost of Thigh Lift in Dubai UAE:

The cost of a Thigh Lift in Dubai can range from AED 18,000 to AED 30,000. The cost varies depending on several factors and will be determined by the doctor after the initial consultation.

Book an Appointment

If you are looking for a Thigh Lift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah, choose Enfield Royal Clinic to achieve the best results possible. Book an appointment by filling out the consultation form below and proceeding to the treatment with our experts.