Sexual Advice And Consultation in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Sexologist Dubai

Human life revolves around sexuality. It is a contributing factor to our integral aspect of emotional and physical well-being. These are the quality and standards of a healthy and modern-day relationship. However, this is not a common topic of discussion even today. People feel anxious talking about their sex drive. On the other hand, some lack the basic education to navigate the complex situation. If you are a young couple or an adult individual who wishes to seek adequate education regarding the challenges during intercourse. We are here to ensure you that there is no shame in discussing the matter with the Sex Therapist or even a General Doctor. For further information regarding your sex life, read along as we address your concerns about Sexual Advice And Consultation in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah.

What Is Sexual Advice And Consultation?

The therapy plays a crucial role in helping the candidate or couple in particular, to navigate the natural landscape of human sexuality. It is an umbrella therapy that covers a wide range of topics and complications regarding one’s sexual health, development, and sexuality in general. Furthermore, there are diagnoses about your Sexual Function and Dysfunctions along with intimacy and pleasure-based relation and communication. On top of that, we also include sexual trauma or abuse which could be a leading factor in miscommunication or connection between two partners.

What Is The Purpose Of This Therapy?

The therapy aims to promote healthy and satisfying sexual experiences. During a consultation, we talk and educate you about sexual issues related to sexual health. Communication is considered to be the key factor in fulfilling your emotional and physical needs while sustaining a healthy relationship. This is why, we address and emphasize a couple to recognize the importance of an open and non-judgmental conversation about your needs and wants. The goal of this therapy is to greatly enhance the quality of life for each individual. As a result, the fulfillment of your emotional or physical requirements will also impact your mental health and promote a satisfied and safe living.

What Happens During The Appointment?

Your therapy sessions are personalized treatment plans that are specifically designed to target your needs and wants. The Sex Therapist will talk to you about your sexual history, concerns, and goals for the future. Furthermore, there are a few tests and examinations that highlight your overall well-being and capacity to function or perform well. On top of that, we will also conduct a support program to accelerate your performance to last longer, while offering the best pieces of advice to improve your sexual strategies.

What Are The Benefits Of These Sessions?

Our Sexual Advice And Consultation in Dubai program is for everyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, and status. The beneficial outcomes will reflect on your life in the ways mentioned below;

  • You will learn and explore more about your sexuality and preferences.
  • It will improve your sexual Women’s Health and wellness.
  • You will begin to take control of your concerns while emotionally and physically forming a connection.
  • As a result, the quality of your relationship will upgrade while boosting your intimacy.
  • It will help you cope with previous sexual trauma or abuse without feeling any pressure.
  • The new changes will allow you to perform well and last longer. Eventually, the bond is going to get stronger as you become comfortable with each other.

Sexual Advice And Consultation (FAQ’s):

It builds upon CDC's 5 Ps approach that asks patients about 1) Partners 2) Practices 3) Past History of STIs 4) Protection, and 5) Pregnancy Prevention/Reproductive Life Plan.

Be open while getting Sexual Advice and Consultation. Common questions include, Am I too old to still have sex? How can I tell if my sexual problems are due to old age or disease? What could be the cause of pain during sex? What are the factors that can negatively impact sexual prowess? 

High-risk sexual behavior is unprotected intercourse without condom use, unprotected mouth-to-genital contact, starting sexual activity at a young age, having multiple sex partners or a high-risk partner (one who has multiple sex partners or other risk factors), and having unprotected anal sex.

The four elements of sexual behavior are biological, cognitive, spiritual, and psychological, elements. These can define and shape sexual behavior differently in each individual case.

Consider talking beforehand and be straightforward in your approach. Tell the other person what you prefer and how you prefer it. Take their needs into account so they take care of yours. Emphasize what they’re doing right and encourage the other person.

Sexual rights refer to specific norms that emerge when existing human rights are applied to sexuality. These rights include freedom, equality, privacy, autonomy, integrity, and dignity of all people; principles recognized in many international instruments that are particularly relevant to sexuality.

Consider getting Sexual Advice and Consultation. Enjoyment of sexual relations without exploitation, oppression, or abuse, abstinence from unprotected vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse, and choosing the right partner constitute safe sexual behavior.

Our Advice On How To Prepare For The Consultation:

We gathered a few key points for you to seek basic education regarding your sex drive and your partner’s requirements for intimacy and pleasure.

  • Mention your mental stress and emotional well-being.
  • Prepare your mind to talk bout what you want concerning your goals and girth.
  • Discuss or share details about your sexual history for improved experience.
  • Talk about your preferred position or the act that needs an elimination.
  • Ask further questions to seek the best advice and recommendations for maximum fulfillment and stability.

Book A Free Consultation:

If you are considering undergoing a Sexual Advice And Consultation in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. It is a sign that you are willing to commit to your sexual and emotional health. We are offering you a free consultation with our best Sexologist or Counselors to improve your physical connection with your partner. Simply fill in the form below and sign up for a scheduled appointment at Enfield Royal Clinic today.