The mucous membrane of the vagina is vulnerable, it is quite thin and becomes even thinker over the years. Many women experience discomfort due to vaginal atrophy, the most obvious symptom of which is dryness. The problem can result in a decrease in secretions from the genital tract, there is a burning sensation, discomfort, pain during sex, and discharge with blood impurities after it. Obstetricians or gynecologists will suggest the most suitable Vaginal Dryness Solution in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah for the problem.
What is Vaginal Dryness?
The disorder is caused by both hormonal and non-hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. The problem is directly caused by the thinning of the vaginal mucosa. Most often, this symptom occurs in women in adulthood during menopause or menopause. The ovaries cease to perform their function and begin to fade, which leads to a change in the hormonal background, and estrogen deficiency develops. The intimate sphere of a woman’s life suffers most from the deficiency of this hormone.
Should it be Treated?
Yes, treating mild or severe dryness is a must! It is necessary to protect the female genital organs from pathogens. If left unattended, this seemingly harmless symptom can lead to the development of various complications:
- Development of fungal disease
- The appearance of erosion of the mucous membrane of the genital organs
- The appearance of regular inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
- Penetration of infectious diseases through microtraumas and cracks
And in general, it adversely affects the sexual life of a woman and her partner. Unpleasant painful sensations can make a woman give up intimacy for good and can also aggravate both the disease of the organs of the reproductive system and the relationship with a partner, increasing the woman’s nervousness.
Ideal Candidate:
The most suitable candidate for the treatment is someone not having the following:
- Venereal and infectious diseases
- Oncology
- Blood clotting disorders
- Pregnancy and lactation period
Causes of the Problem:
The main causes of the problem include:
- Hormonal imbalance during menopause
- The consequences of surgical intervention on the female genital organs, mainly during the removal of the uterus and ovaries
- Sexually transmitted infections or yeast infections
- Reduced immunity, stress, depression, nervousness, increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, anemia
- Pregnancy, postpartum, or lactation
- Prolonged use of contraceptives and antidepressants
- Unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption
Before the treatment follows these instructions:
- A few days before the procedure, you should stop drinking alcohol, smoking
- Stop taking blood thinners if possible
- Take tests prescribed by our doctor (to exclude the presence of an infectious disease)
- The procedure is not performed on the days of menstruation
- Recommendations after the procedure:
- It is not recommended to take hot baths during the week, and visit the bath and sauna.
- Within 3-4 days you need to observe sexual rest.
Treatment Options:
The treatment will take an individual approach depending on the reasons that caused the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. Based on the results of diagnostic measures, the doctor will develop an individual treatment plan for the patient.
At Enfield Royal Clinic, the following procedures are used to treat the disease:
Laser Rejuvenation:
It is carried out on a modern device characterized by efficiency and safety. The exposure to laser beams forms microdamage in the tissues of the vaginal walls, forcing the tissues to produce their collagen and elastin, as well as improving the blood flow in the genitals.
The process of cellular renewal is launched, and dryness disappears without a trace, giving way to a feeling of comfort. The treatment is performed in 3 to 4 sessions and the result lasts up to 3 years, then you can conduct a second session.
It is a minimally invasive procedure based on the introduction of hyaluronic fillers into the tissues of the vagina. The walls of the vagina are increased in volume, swell slightly, and actively moisturize.
The introduction of fillers is carried out with thin needles under local anesthesia in the submucosal layer. For intimate fillers, a gel is used, designed specifically for use in the intimate area. The treatment will include 2 booster shots and the effect lasts 8-12 months, the vagina becomes more sensitive, and the number of natural lubrication increases.
It is a unique technique that involves the introduction of a patient’s Platelet-rich plasma into problem areas like mucosa, cervix, labia, etc. the effectiveness of the method lies in the use of the body’s reserve capabilities.
The plasma contains a large amount of biologically active substances and growth factors that trigger the mechanisms of the natural restoration of body tissues. It results in increased elasticity of the walls of the vagina; strengthening of metabolic processes; restoration of microflora and sensitivity.
Vaginal Dryness Solution (FAQ’s):
What is the Best Lube for Dryness?
There are many lubricants available in the market that claim to be Vaginal Dryness Solutions. Some of the most recommended ones are water-based lubricants like Astroglide, K-Y Jelly, and Sliquid H2O. These lubricants are safe to use and are easy to clean up.
How Can I Lubricate My Private Area?
Natural oils such as grape seed, olive, vegetable, sunflower, or coconut oils may be safe Vaginal Dryness Solutions. Natural oils should be used as an external lubricant before intercourse. However, oil-based lubricants can damage condoms, so if you are of childbearing age, use only water-based lubricants.
What is the Source of Female Lubrication?
The vagina naturally produces lubrication that helps facilitate sexual activity thanks to fluids secreted by Bartholin glands near the opening of the vagina, and the Skene glands close to the urethra. People can also use artificial lubricant, or lube, to make sexual activity more comfortable when needed.
How Long Does Vaginal Dryness Last?
Unless caused by non-estrogen-related factors, your dryness won't get better by itself. Your symptoms may get worse without treatment And your vagina may start to itch or feel dry all the time, not just during sex.
Why is Lube so Expensive?
Lubricant producers often have different methods of producing their products. Some producers may use expensive practices or face challenges like power outages or limited storage capacity that could cause them to raise their prices.
How Long is Lube Usable?
Even if you don't notice a sell-by or expiry date on the bottle, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend a shelf-life or expiration date of one to three years for most personal lubricants.
How Much Lube is Good?
There's no general rule concerning how much lube you should use. It just depends on the person's natural level of lubrication, and just how much you need to feel comfortable.
The cost of Vaginal Dryness Solution in Dubai, Abu Dhabi can range from AED 7999 to AED 9999. The cost varies in each case and will be determined by the doctor after the initial consultation.
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