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Hello confident skin - No more tags tagging along!

Moles are no longer the symbol of beauty! Many people find it concerning to witness the unappealing growth of skin tags spreading across their bodies. They could be itchy and cause irritation, or simply multiply silently without an alert - if you’re somebody worrying about the unflattering bumps rising or growing into discolored fleshy tags, it’s ideal to visit us for a diagnosis! 

about Skin Tag Removal

We offer Skin Tag Removal In Dubai a safe and reliable option for scarless mole removal that is not cancerous! Continue readings we uncover factors leading to the problems, and treatments delivering the best solutions.

Skin Tag Removal In Dubai

A series of small, benign, or unusual bumps form on the skin - tiny lumps appear as moles in a narrow stalk placement sitting above the skin. These are skin tags, but they are usually harmless. However, these discolored lesions do interfere with one’s aesthetic appearance.

Although skin tags are harmless yet, a thorough medical evaluation is required for safety reasons. These fleshy-like tags can develop on their own over time; downgrading your aesthetics. Skin Tag Removal Dubai offers a safe and secure solution to remove these warts by using FDA-approved procedures to give your skin and body a neat and clean canvas. Our treatments are performed under sophisticated methods to address your unique concerns with care.

Skin Tag Removal in Dubai
Best Skin Tag Removal in Dubai

Causes of Skin Tags

Medical science discovered various reasons leading to the development of these unwanted skin tags.

Common areas for Skin Tags

The more the skin rubs against certain garments, jewelry, or grinds together with itself - it will lead to tension which can cause skin tags in the first place. Here are a few common areas where these problematic lesions frequently show up.

Skin Tag Removal Treatment in Dubai


remember, wherever the skin folds or creases naturally - there is a high probability of developing skin tags.

Techniques offered at Royal Clinic

A variety of procedures are conducted to do the job - however, we are choosing only the safest and FDA-approved procedures to cut off these tags without harming your skin. Have a read and explore your best options.

Excision with Precision

Cryotherapy Chills

Hyperaction of Hyfrecation

Radiofrequency Technology

CO2 Fractional Laser

Skin Tags Vs Warts

Candidates often misunderstand the difference between the two - here’s some general information about genetics-oriented skin conditions.

Skin Tags

Softly hangs on the skin

Light to darker shades of brown

Usually occurs due to skin friction

Smoother-looking with wrinkles on top

Develops anywhere on the body

Can irritate the skin - often bleeds too

Generally harmless, non-cancerous


Smaller in size with a rougher surface

Appear red or pink in color

HPV - human papillomavirus causes it

Rough/cauliflower-sort of a texture

Forms on hands, feet, or intimate areas.

Causes massive discomfort or pain

Could be dangerous  or contagious

Benefits of Skin Tag Removal!

Skin Tag Removal Treatment in Dubai
Best Skin Tag Removal Treatment in Dubai

Eligibility Criteria

Before embarking on the cosmetic journey, meet a board-certified Dermatologist in person. He/She will conduct a careful assessment to diagnose the skin tags before moving forward with a suitable treatment. If the lesions are tested to be harmless, you will be signed up for the procedure based on your personal concerns. 

How is Skin Tag Removal Dubai done?

Taking it from the top - here is some general information about the clinical formalities and homecare after the treatment.

Skin Tag Removal Dubai
Best Skin Tag Removal Dubai

Precautionary Measures Before the Treatment

Steps & Stages of the Procedure

This is a professional, in-clinic, and medical-grade treatment that is only performed by a licensed practitioner.

Safety Guidance for Home Care

Skin Tag Removal in Dubai UAE


We strongly recommend you do not apply any skincare product with active ingredients such as tretinoin, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic, or salicylic acid for 7-14 days.


Some patients require multiple sessions to get rid of all the skin tags. However, the results are immediate - you may notice crusting around the treated areas, this is a natural process of healing, and the inflammation will subside within a few days.

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Potential Risks

After a successful skin tag removal, there is no chance they will grow back again. However, in rare cases, patients have reported re-growth over the years. Here’s more about the relevant risk factors for you.


If bleeding or unusual pain prolongs hours after the treatment, reach out for medical care immediately!


The timeframe of recovery differs from person to person. It may take 7-14 days to heal the wounds. Whereas, advanced treatments take less than a week to heal the skin. Tiny blisters began to form; indicating a successful recovery. We ensure 90% successful and scarless healing while getting rid of unwanted tags forever.

Starting Cost of Skin Tag Removal Dubai

The average cost of the leading treatments is going to vary based on the duration and condition of the patient. However, Skin Tag Removal price starts from 849 AED, irrespective of the service charges per session.
Here’s a breakdown of the expected cost to ensure a transparent consideration of your budget plan.

Consultation Fees

Cost in AED

Treatment TypesCharges per Session
Non-Surgical Tag RemovalStarts From 849 AED
Surgical Tag RemovalStarts From 2500 AED

Royal Clinic at your service!

Expericne world-class treatments and diagnosis for all skin-related conditions. We are Dubai’s renowned leading clinics in the UAE; providing advanced Laser treatments to deliver flawless results for your skin. 

Our board-certified team of skin specialists utilizes modern technology to remove all skin tags without leaving behind any trail of blemishes or scars you are at the right place where safety and prosperity are served side by side. To redeem the best result for your Skin Tag Removal In Dubai, contact us today!


A diagnosis is required to determine whether your skin tags are cancerous or not.

It’s okay to have skin tags. They are usually harmless but appear due to hormonal changes.

In rare cases, they fall off on their own. However, you need medical treatment to safely get rid of them.

Do not attempt to cut off a skin tag at home. It will bleed & cause serious trauma to your health.

No. Local anesthesia is used to painlessly eliminate all the skin tags from your skin.

Home remedies can cause infection, bleeding, or even lead to cancer formation on your skin.

It is treated with medical-grade treatments to discard cancerous cells from the affected areas.

Yes – also, excessive exposure to the sun or sunbathing on the beach will also harm the skin and cause unwanted skin tags.

We offer customized treatments, therefore, if you want to keep a non-cancerous skin tag, it is completely safe to let them tag along.

Wear sunscreen, and avoid skin friction against jewelry or certain garments that irritate your skin.

A tagless skin! – although mild soreness or redness will be there, however, it will subside within a few days.

Yes, in most cases it indicates high cholesterol or diabetes. Get a medical check-up in case of an unusual activity on the body.

One sitting will banish all the unwanted skin tags. However, some patients may need 1-3 sitting in rare cases.

Local anesthesia ensures you do not feel any pain during the procedure -whereas, the aftercare soothing gel tames the soreness right away.

You may notice minimal scarring after the manual method. However, the advanced techniques treat discoloration & improve the texture.

Skin tags are not contagious at all. Get medical tests and treatment if you see them spreading overnight.

If you have been signed up for a follow-up session, attend the treatment to get rid of the problem for good.

Eat healthy and improve your lifestyle. Be sure to consult with your skin specialist in case your skin tags grow back.

On average, it takes 30 minutes to 50 minutes. However, the duration tends to vary from person to person.

The skin specialist will conduct a few tests and scans to find out whether the lesions are harmless or cancerous.

The cost of skin tag removal in Dubai ranges between 849-2500AED based on treatment. 

Yes, skin tags can be permanently removed. Once removed, they typically do not grow back.

Skin tags are generally not a warning of a serious health problem.

It will vary from person to person. However, snipping and freezing are considered more appropriate.

Cryotherapy can remove skin tags more quickly.


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