High Definition Liposculpture in Dubai & Abu Dhabi

Liposculpture is an effective procedure for removing the localized deposition of fats from the body. High definition liposculpture in Dubai develops a more proportioned and harmonious figure to look better in any wearing.

The advancements in medical science have evolved a new technique VASER (vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance). This technique is considered to be an effective application of the liposuction procedure to dislodge superficial and deep fat layers. High Definition Liposculpture in Dubai is highlighting anatomical features of the body by natural contouring and sculpting. Hi-def VASER emulsifies fatty pockets by using ultrasound energy in a very effective way for defining different areas of the body including shoulders, arms, abdomen, legs, thighs, etc.

Results and Benefits:


Results from Hi-Def Lipo are natural-looking and result in a more youthful appearance. Many patients also experience a boost in self-esteem after their procedure. The final outcomes are observable after three months.  If you couple your recovery time with a healthy lifestyle with lots of exercises, your liposuction result of better body contours will be permanent.
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High Definition Liposculpture Dubai & Abu Dhabi  High Definition Liposculpture in Abu Dhabi  High Definition Liposculpture in Dubai


  • Results in slight tightening of the skin
  • Offers the precise and accurate procedure
  • Minimal downtime and immediate recovery
  • Allows for the kind of highly defined sculpting
  • Aids in reduced blood loss during fat disruption

Who Is a Good Candidate?

 Men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail can consider this treatment. You can be a perfect potential candidate for high definition liposculpture In Dubai if:

  • You are medically fit and healthy
  • You have good skin elasticity and flexibility
  • You wish to eliminate needless fatty material
  • You want to attain extraordinary precision and definition
  • You are near to ideal weight. BMI test is recommended for this purpose.

Aim of Treatment:

A major objective of this advanced procedure is to really shape the body. VASER Hi-Definition liposuction in Dubai withdraws from the less complex objective of decreasing pockets of fat or acquiring a more slender, compliment stomach. The technique aims to create a properly shaped and sculpted physique and is done by extracting purified fat and re-inserting the fat strategically to sculpt precise definition.


The treatment is carried out under anesthesia with some light sedation, or should be possible under IV sedation or general anesthesia. The strategy picked as it relies upon the degree of the procedure and the number of regions that will be shaped utilizing Hi-Def VASER. Following steps are carried for obtaining desired results:

  • A sophisticated probe is inserted into layers of fats.
  • Ultrasound energy emitting from the probe causes the destruction of adipose tissues.
  • This makes easier for the surgeon to remove destructed fat cells and sculpting into new ones.
  • Targeted fat layers aids in defining newly constructed physical appearance.

High-Definition Liposculpture (FAQ’S):

However, the risks linked to the process merely vary from person to person. That is why individuals need to sign up to get treated by an experienced and professional specialist, in order to minimize the intensity of the risky occurrences.   

On a generalistic note, the sessions organized to cure the back, flank, or hip are categorized as the most painful liposuctions.  

To be precise, yes, after going through the session, the patients are eventually able to receive the naturalistic and realistic appearance of the dermal and epidermal layers.

During the session anesthesia is applied, which is to make sure of encountering minor or least pain. Aside from that after the session, the patients are expected to strictly follow the cautionary measures along with the personalized topical or medical treatment in order to minimize the aftermath of the process.   

In one way or another, the patients can sign up for the treatment to be conducted on any portion of the body. Including the arms, thighs, abdomen, back, and chest, etc. 

As a matter of fact, the individuals rarely encounter any risk or complication after the process of session. However, they might end up bearing the consequences of the infection, or numbness, etc. in fact, the complications linked to this course of action are pretty much personalized in nature. 

The patients are likely to encounter personalized benefits from the process. Still, on a generalistic note, they are capable of getting rid of the baggy and saggy dermal layer while also tightening the muscles and the skin. Along with that, the session is also capable of being customized according to the needs of the patient.   


Uneasiness is typically mild and effortlessly controlled by medications, and resolves rapidly finished the course of a couple of days. Hi-Def VASER in Dubai doesn’t require as much post-care as traditional liposuction does. Patients can return home after one or two days following treatment. Special body compression garments are advised to use because they do not interrupt the healing process and patients recover gradually.

Schedule A Consultation:

To receive a private consultation, simply fill out the online consultation form and proceed with this treatment with us. Let us know the procedure(s) you are considering and your details and we will get back to you with a time and day to suit you.