A variety of several medical conditions and disorders affect millions of lives every day. However, some of the most common and serious issues are often related to women’s health. An active bladder is already a stressful inconvenience to deal with. Even so, after a particular age or stage of a woman’s life, Stress Incontinence in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is another medical complication that knocks on your door. If you are diagnosed or dealing with this disruptive disorder – We are offering our expertise to provide you with the best care and treatment options. Read along as we unfold the in-depth insight into managing and overcoming this embarrassment-causing emotional and physical disorder.
What Is Stress Incontinence?
This distressing difficulty is also referred to as; Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). It is a medical condition that is characterized and identified by the involuntary leakage of urine. Whether you are performing physical activities or simply having a natural moment such as; laughing, sneezing, coughing, lifting, or even during sleep pressure is forced onto your bladder and causes an unpleasant mishap. What happens is that when your muscles or tissues that are linked with the support system of the bladder become weak or damaged, it makes it difficult to control the urine within the urinary pipes. As a result, an unexpected or sudden release is discharged abruptly, leading to becoming a serious complication which is known as Stress Incontinence.
What Are The Causes?
SUI takes place when your pelvic floor becomes weak. There is a group of muscles within the region that are in charge of supporting and controlling the bladder, uterus, and rectum. When the support lacks authority or management, it triggers discipline and causes your bladder to leak even with a bare minimum force. Below are a few factors that play a vital role in causing the undesired condition;
- Pregnancy and Childbirth,
- Aging or Menopause,
- Obesity or Heavy Lifting,
- Hysterectomy or other Pelvic Surgeries,
- Coughing or Smoking.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms?
We have mentioned a few indications above, however, there are a few early indications that could be challenging your experience at the moment. If you find yourself in the mentioned situations below, be sure to reach out for medical assistance in due time. Any delay could lead to more complex complications.
- A constant sudden urge to urinate even after taking a leak.
- You feel you can not empty your bladder.
- Leaking during laughing, sneezing or even exercising.
- Frequent visits to the toilet no matter throughout the day or night.
- Embarrassing mishaps such as wetting clothes or bed.
What Are The Safety Precautions Before The Treatment?
We gathered a few helpful guidelines to guard your awkward situation and help you manage any embarrassing moments;
- Make sure to wear pads or liners to block the urine from leaking out.
- Schedule your activities after your bathroom break.
- Refrain from exercises or tasks that trigger your leaks.
- Limit your liquid intake before heading out and about.
- Take a minute or two and try to empty your bladder properly.
- If you happen to be an obese or diabetic patient, you can opt for therapies, treatments, and medications to tame your SUI syndromes.
What Are The Treatment Options?
Today, medical sciences, advanced treatments, and therapies are contributing to treating and managing the widest range of medical complications. Below is a brief introduction to enlighten you about the best options at our clinic;
- Behavioral Therapies: a board-certified Therapist will examine your health condition and design a scheduled program for you. We will provide easy exercises for weight loss, reliable methods to cut or quit your smoking habits, limit caffeine and alcohol intake, and change your overall lifestyle for improved bladder control.
- Bladder Training: allows you to learn self-control by empowering the bladder muscles and strengthening the pelvic floor by performing exercises such as Kegel to reduce your bathroom visits per day.
- Botox Injections: are a temporary solution to your current problem. However, with follow-up sessions, you can sustain the maintenance for a prolonged period. The treatment revolves around a muscle-controlling formula that pauses the contractions and empowers your bladder for sufficient control against urination.
- Medications: oral medications are tried and tested methods for the reduction of urine that is produced inside your body. Similarly, it is also helpful with bladder control as the medicines can repair the damage inside the tissues or muscles to strengthen their capacity for maximum support.
- Surgery: is considered to be the last option, when other therapies and treatments seemingly lack control over the patient. We require your complete medical background and family history, along with mandatory health examinations before signing you up for the respective surgical option to reverse your SUI syndromes.
What Are The Beneficial Outcomes In The Long Run?
The treatments aim to aid both your physical and emotional well-being. Read and explore the perks of living a peaceful period of your life;
- You will experience reduced leakage to potentially controllable urges to pee.
- The risk factors of developing any internal infection or external from the additional pad are going to be incredibly low.
- Your sexual engagements and other physical activities will improve gradually. Furthermore, you are even able to sleep throughout the night without having to constantly wake up for bathroom visits.
- As a result, your confidence and self-esteem are going to accelerate. These changes will have a positive impact on your mental health as well.
- You can easily pursue your physical fitness and take care of your overall health. Moreover, your work and travel experience is also going to thrive.
- Candidates talk about peacefully concentrating on their work, whether they are indoors or outdoors. There is no rush or constant bathroom thoughts on your mind.
- On top of that, you have additional time on your hands to be productive with other chores or running other essential errands.
- Last but not least, this is an upgrade to your quality of life. You can focus on your overall health and lifestyle without any rush.
Stress Incontinence In Dubai FAQ’s:
What Doctor Treats Stress Urinary Incontinence?
Visiting your primary care physician is probably the first step to take if you have urine incontinence. A urologist, a physician who specializes in urinary tract disorders, or a gynecologist with specific training in female bladder issues and urinary function may be recommended to you.
What Is The Major Cause Of Stress Incontinence?
The loss of support from pelvic floor muscles and connective tissue such as connective tissue disorders, obesity, persistent cough, vaginal delivery-related pelvic floor trauma, menopause, pregnancy, constipation, heavy lifting, and smoking can all lead to this loss of support. neuromuscular impairment resulting from prior pelvic surgery.
How Can I Stop Stress Incontinence Without Medication?
Adopt the following concise strategies to reduce leaks and fight urinary incontinence such as make a daily commitment to pelvic floor exercises, give up smoking, do light exercise, steer clear of heavy lifting, keep a healthy weight, deal with constipation right away, avoid caffeine and alcohol, stay hydrated, develop regular bathroom habits, and consult a healthcare provider for individualized solutions and interventions.
Book A Free Consultation:
If you are experiencing Stress Incontinence in Dubai & Abu Dhabi you must remind yourself that you are not the only one dealing with this distress. We have successfully made significant improvements in many lives. If you can relate to the diagnostics mentioned in the guide above, it is time to talk to a doctor and seek medical help. Take a step forward today by booking a free consultation with us or signing up for a pre-booked appointment with our best healthcare providers at Enfield Royal Clinic.
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