CoolSculpting in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah Fat Freezing Price

Freeze Your Unwanted Fat With CoolSculpting at Royal Clinic Dubai!

Some people are genetically predisposed to accumulate fat in specific body areas. It is most dangerous when fat cells are deposited in the abdomen. This spoils the figure and leads to obesity of the internal organs.

To remove fat from the abdomen, avoiding complications CoolSculpting in Dubai & Abu Dhabi will help you remove fat cells by freezing. The technique is not inferior in efficiency to traditional Liposuction, but it does not require a surgical operation.

Aim of Treatment:

Get rid of unnecessary fatty deposits with the CoolSculpting (Cryolipolysis) non-invasive procedure with the help of highly-trained specialists. CoolSculpting is an excellent alternative to liposuction, a non-surgical approach with no recovery period. The process does not require anesthesia, days off from work, compression clothing, or weekly massages like after liposuction.

CoolSculpting freezes fatty deposits, and the body gets rid of them by the natural process of digestion. It is a revolutionary, safe, effective FDA-approved procedure.

CoolSculpting Before and After:

Fat cells crystallize and freeze during the CoolSculpting procedure, and they are destroyed naturally and disappear forever! Leftover fat cells can increase over time if the weight is regained, which can affect long-term results, but as a rule, if you return to the same weight and BMI that you were at the time of the procedure, your results will be noticeable.

CoolSculpting Fat Freezing Clinic in Dubai  CoolSculpting Fat Freezing Dubai  CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Abu Dhabi

CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Dubai & Abu Dhabi  CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Dubai  CoolSculpting Fat Freezing

What are the Benefits of CoolSculpting:

The treatment has the following benefits of Coolsculpting in Dubai:

  • No need for anesthesia and the use of painkillers. You can return to your daily activities immediately after the session.
  • It can shape the body’s contours, removing fat only in places where it is not needed. This distinguishes CoolSculpting from diets, in which people often lose weight in places they don’t want to.
  • The treatment is performed without preparation. The patient does not need to starve or restrict himself in any way before the session.
  • The treatment does not have many side effects. It does not leave any allergies or skin rashes.
  • The recovery period is short, and a lengthy rehabilitation is not required

Ideal Candidates:

Everyone has subcutaneous fat that resides in their muscles, often taking the form of stubborn fat pouches or fat deposits that defy diet and exercise. But freezing is not suitable for everyone who has a few extra pounds or inches.

  • It is not suitable for patients who simply want to lose weight
  • It can help you lose 10 to 15 kg of fat
  • It can improve the shape and contours of the body

The procedure is suitable for visible bumps on the chin, arms, abdomen, flanks, waist, under bra, underarms, inner thighs, outer thighs, buttocks, back, male breasts, and chest areas.

What to Expect at the Consultation?

At the free consultation, a senior specialist will review your problem areas and determine if you are suitable for the procedure by analyzing the amount of fat in the problem areas.

The specialist will also decide the number of sessions necessary to achieve your desired results. The specialist will also adapt your CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Dubai plan based on your treatment preferences.


The CoolSculpting apparatus is placed over the area of ​​fat to be treated for 35 minutes. You can rest, read, check your email, or even take a nap during this time! While you are resting, the fat is frozen, and the body naturally gets rid of unwanted dead fat cells, thus disappearing from the treated area and ultimately from the entire body.

  1. Depending on the client, it is recommended 1-4 procedures for freezing fat. Most clients see great results after the first treatment. The treatment follows the following steps:
  2. The system uses an intelligent applicator to target stubborn fat areas such as the belly, arms, inner and outer thighs, and flabby tummies.
  3. By generating vacuum suction followed by temperature-controlled cooling.
  4. The cooling technology selectively cools fat cells, causing them to break down. And they leave the body naturally through the digestive system.

These results are long-term, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedures. Fat cells crystallize and freeze during the CoolSculpting procedure, and they are destroyed naturally and disappear forever! Leftover fat cells can increase over time if the weight is regained, which can affect long-term results, but as a rule, if you return to the same weight and BMI that you were at the time of the procedure, your results will be noticeable.

Recovery and Downtime:

Some clients may develop swelling, redness, itching, and bruising a few weeks after the procedure, but they go away on their own. Non-invasive, inbound, and outbound appointments take no recovery time, and clients can return to normal activities after an hour’s session.

Cost of CoolSculpting in Dubai:

The cost depends on the size of the area to be treated and the number of sessions needed for the treatment. After the initial consultation, the actual price will only be decided as several factors impact it. The Coolsculpting Cost in Dubai, UAE can range from AED 700 to AED 900 on average.

Book a Free Appointment

If you’ve worked hard, diet and exercise haven’t been able to remove the last of your stubborn fats, Contact Enfield Royal Clinic for more information on the CoolSculpting in Dubai & Abu Dhab. Fill out the consultation form below to book a free appointment.