LED light therapy in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Royal Clinic Dubai

The pain-free and non-invasive treatment is available for reversing strong aging signs. The LED light therapy procedure can be performed at home or in the dermatologist’s office. By using selective wavelengths of light various skin conditions are treated. It is a cost-effective, easy, and safe solution mainly done for treating acne. LED energizes skin cells and results in effective skin rejuvenation.

LED Light Therapy Treated Areas:

LED Light Therapy in Dubai & Abu Dhabi can be done on any part of your body, but mostly done on the face because skin damage usually occurs on the face than on other body parts. Other body parts where aging signs tend to appear include the neck and chest.

Results and Recovery:

The treatment requires no recovery time, you will be able to continue your normal activities once the treatment is done. You will notice immediately, but minor results just after your first session. Results will be more visible after getting all the treatment sessions done. Skin infections are considered to be the biggest risk in the case of post-treatment blisters. After some time your skin cells may turn over which will, in turn, reduce collagen production. As a result of this aging signs will start appearing again. For this reason, maintenance treatments are recommended to maintain subtle results.

LED Light Therapy Clinic in Abu Dhabi  LED Light Therapy Clinic in Dubai  LED Light Therapy Dubai & Abu dhabi

LED Light Therapy Dubai  LED Light Therapy in Abu Dhabi  LED Light Therapy in Dubai

ED Light Therapy Benefits:

  • The safest and fastest way available to clear acne, blemishes, and other aging signs.
  • Heal’s inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.
  • A simple procedure that requires no downtime and recovery.
  • Helpful in removing acne scars
  • Eliminates precancerous skin cells, which are in their early stages.
  • Improves skin texture by reducing enlarged oil glands
  • You will notice a significant reduction in eye bags
  • A non-invasive, drug-free, and painless procedure that can be done on any part of the body
  • It stimulates collagen production, helpful in treating mild to severe acne
  • LEDs do not use UV rays, therefore, it is a very safe procedure
  • It does not cause burns on the treated area and is suitable for all skin types and colors.

Instructions – Before the Treatment:

  • During the procedure, wear safety goggles to protect your eyes
  • Avoid wearing makeup while going for the treatment session
  • Consult your doctor whether it is a good option for you or not
  • You are advised not to undergo Red Light Therapy Dubai if you have active rashes

LED Light Therapy Procedure:

Your doctor will decide which frequency will be used depending on the skin condition. Usually, red is used for anti-aging and blue is used for acne treatment. LED light therapy is an in-office treatment that may take about 15–20 minutes, but the time required depends upon the severity of the condition which is being treated. You are advised to take 8–10 sessions to achieve the desired results. LED emits wavelengths of different colors when these colored lights are directed at the treated site, they penetrate deeper into the skin and improve the cell’s metabolism. It also increases the level of ATP. ATP is the energy that cells use. Red LED is most commonly used in the aesthetic world for reducing strong aging signs.

Risks and Side Effects:

LED light therapy is suitable for you if you have a darker skin tone. Invasive procedures can cause damage to the skin, but it doesn’t even cause any pain. Anyone suffering from porphyria (causes skin problems) is advised not to undergo this therapy. Porphyry makes the patient’s skin sensitive to light.

There are some other risks associated with LED light therapy. Do not use isotretinoin for treating your severe acne, it will increase the skin’s sensitivity and will cause scarring in some areas. Avoid using products derived from vitamin A on your skin, it will make it sensitive to sunlight

Although it is a painless procedure, it has some effects too. These side effects are rare and minor. After the treatment, you might experience redness, pain, hives, increased inflammation, swelling in the treated area.

Our Specialist Doctors:

Schedule a Consultation!

Enfield Royal Clinic is offering effective LED Light Therapy in Dubai & Abu Dhabi and the surrounding areas. If you are unsure or if you have any queries regarding the procedure, contact us by filling out the consultation form. We strongly ensure that you’ll be completely satisfied with our results.