Routine Dental Check Ups and Cleaning in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Cost

Dental diseases can become the cause of other diseases that may occur in our bodies in the long run. The statistics on dental diseases paint quite a negative picture, with many people having cavities. This is because many people are not used to seeing a dentist until their teeth hurt. And when that happens, it’s not the beginning of the problem, but it’s already quite bad, eventually leading to tooth loss. Therefore, the practice of Routine Dental Check-Ups in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah, which are often covered by insurance, is essential.

What is Routine Dental Checkup?

The routine check-up is done even if you don’t have pain or any other problem with your teeth. These are scheduled within certain time intervals and are strongly recommended by the dentists.

What Do They Include?

Even if you do not have any health problems, procedures are applied during the dental checkups that you should have in 6 months:

  • Thorough examination and evaluation of oral health
  • Maintenance of teeth or treatments performed on them
  • Professional cleaning
  • Expert advice for further improvement of oral health

In addition to all these, the dentist performs many different controls such as cracks or fractures in your teeth and the management of existing dental fillings.


Routine Dental Check Up in Dubai Best Routine Dental Check Up Clinic in Dubai Routine Dental Check Up Clinic in Abu Dhabi

Routine Dental Check Up Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Best Routine Dental Check Up Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Best Routine Dental Check Up in Dubai

Why is early Diagnosis Important?

It must be understood that oral diseases do not reverse development and will only progress. Caries do not go away on their own. And the fact that nothing hurts you does not guarantee that you are healthy to make sure of this.

Even one sick tooth is a source of infection of the whole body, loads the immune system, endangers all organs.

Regular examinations are of great importance for implementing preventive treatments and measures. Plaques formed on the surface of the teeth cause dental calculus and infection over time.  The infection can reach the gums, and severe gum recession or tooth loss can occur.

However, dental exams performed every six months can also ensure the removal of plaque formed on the tooth surface. At the same time, since the doctor notices an existing infection at the first stage, the necessary treatment can be started immediately. Thus, the risk of tooth loss is eliminated.

What are Oral and Dental Diseases?

Some of the common diseases include:

Gum Disease: Bacterial plaque accumulation along the gingiva and staying there for a long time can cause disease. It is possible to get rid of gum diseases with correct and regular oral hygiene or treatment.

Bad Breath: It causes bad breath due to the accumulation of food residues around or between the teeth and thanks to bacteria.  

Thrush: It occurs in infants, the elderly, or adults. In cases where the immune system is weakened, it is triggered by intense antibiotics and diabetes-like reasons.

Tooth Decays and Abscesses: With daily flossing and brushing and regular visits to the dentists, problems can be avoided. If there is an earache or fever along with a toothache, it is indispensable to go to the dentist.

What Should be Considered when Choosing a Dentist?

There are a few things to consider when choosing a dentist. In this way, you can proceed with dental check-ups with a much more comfortable process. We can list the factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a dentist as follows:


The dentist you choose must be experienced in what he does. In this way, it will be possible to carry out your dental checks much more effectively. At the same time, experienced doctors can notice some problems in advance. They can prevent this problem from occurring by applying preventive measures.


You must communicate well with your dentist and ask your dentist any questions you want about your concerns and current situation without being uncomfortable or shy. Likewise, your dentist must be able to give you satisfactory answers. Good communication is the key to good treatment.

Clinic Level:

An essential part that you need to pay attention to while choosing a dentist is following the hygiene rules. The services must be provided in a clean and hygienic place and strictly follow the hygiene rules.

How is Oral and Dental Care Done?

Proper oral care is the key to having a bright, beautiful smile, especially in adulthood. Adults can also have rotten teeth and develop gum disease, which can cause serious problems.

In adulthood, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues:  

Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque or sticky film on the teeth, one of the leading causes of tooth decay.

Use dental floss several times a day to remove plaque from under the gums or between the teeth before plaque turns tartar. When tartar, or dental plaque, forms, it can only be removed by professional cleaning.

Reduce your intake of sugary or starchy foods, especially jelly-like cookies. The more often you snack between meals, the more you compromise to leave your enamel vulnerable to plaque acids.


The cost of Routine Dental Check-Ups in Dubai can range from AED 399 to AED 499. The initial consultation with your doctor will be entirely free of cost, and all checkups after that will be charged accordingly.

Book a Free Appointment!

If you are looking for a clinic for Routine Dental Check-Ups in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah, get in touch with experts of Enfield Royal Clinic. Fill in the consultation form below to book a free appointment.