Hernia Surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Laparoscopic Hernia Repair

The human body is designed to perform and indicate changes happening inside it. Where even a burp is considered to be a healthy sign of good digestion. Hiccups, on the other hand, could indicate otherwise. Such is the case with the digestion system in particular. The neighboring organs and intestines around your stomach can tell a lot about your ongoing health as well. Whether or not you are feeling any discomfort around your sides or pelvic region. If you feel lumps or internal muscles hardening up around your abdomen – chances are you might have a hernia. This is a serious medical problem and you must consult a doctor right away. The only way through this disturbing complication is a Hernia Surgery In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Read along as we enlighten you about the indications and operative measures to restore a prosperous lifestyle.

What Is Hernia?

This is a common medical condition that takes place due to fatty tissue expansion. It grows through a weak spot in the nearby muscles or other connective tissues causing unbearable pain. However, in a few rare cases, it is reported to be painless. It is due to abnormal aspects of this complex situation that allow doctors to perform a few medical diagnoses to uncover the ongoing problem. In addition to this, Hernia usually expands in your abdomen or groin. It pushes or presses the organs and nearby muscles in various locations affecting your general quality of life. 

What Are The Signs And Symptoms?

  • Not all hernias are painful. However, usually, patients feel massive discomfort while lifting heavy objects or nausea in other cases. 
  • Moreover, a visible sign of lumpiness or bulge may also appear when performing physical activities. 
  • On the other hand, a dull aching pressure or a pinching sensation could also take place when laughing or coughing in particular. 
  • Patients also talk about sharp pain such as sudden heartburn or indigestion. This could be due to deeply rooted femoral and hiatal hernias that are on the verge of exploding. In such a case scenario, you are advised to rush to the doctor immediately. 

How Is It Surgically Treated?

Although open surgery has been an ideal choice since the beginning of time. However, today, with advanced tools and improved surgical instruments – we prefer operating with Laparoscopic technology. It is a minimally invasive approach that involves minor incision-making in the abdomen. The innovative device works as a third-robotic hand for surgeons. It has a built-in camera sensor and torchlight that guides the operative measures. The entire surgery is digitally performed by looking at the monitor screens. This allows precision, eliminating all potential risks during surgery.

Preparing For The Operation:

  • An initial consultation is recommended along with a health examination. 
  • Mandatory blood tests and other diagnostics such as X-rays CT scans and Ultrasound screenings are performed beforehand.
  • Your operation details are discussed in depth along with the total cost of the surgery and hospital stay.
  • Any drug allergy or other medical history must be honestly discussed with your surgeon as well.
  • You must remain in fasting mode before the operation. It is ideal to stop eating and drinking 12 hours before admitting yourself.
  • Similarly, alcohol and smoking are also prohibited before and after the surgery. 
  • You are advised to take a warm shower before leaving the home. 
  • Pack your essential items such as comfortable clothes, a book, or a mobile phone with a charger and other favorite snacks just in case you feel hungry during the late hours. 

Surgical Procedure:

The operative measures are taking place inside a surgery room. Below is a general outline to enlighten you about the process;

  • First things first, you are sedated by using a precise dosage of general anesthesia. This shall dismiss your pain memory during the operation.
  • The next step is to mark the region under care. Your surgeon will make a few tiny incisions around the abdominal area.
  • This step is followed by inserting trocars in the holes. Using a laparoscopic device, the entire surgery is performed while looking at the screen.
  • The diseased tissues affected by hernia are carefully discarded. In the end, the incisions are stitched closed and covered with wound dressings.
  • You are shifted to the recovery room, where further healthcare monitoring is performed until you are all set to return home. 

Homecare Instructions:

  • Eat healthily and take your medications on time.
  • Carefully follow the wound care instructions.
  • Take bed rest and avoid physical activities.
  • Sleep on your back and adjust cushions while sitting on a couch.
  • Avoid unhealthy food and drinks as well as smoking cigarettes.
  • Take a warm shower but do not rub or exfoliate the body.
  • Refrain from spicy food and take stool-softening medications for a comfortable toilet experience.
  • Last but not least, you shall recover swiftly within a month. However, frequent follow-up tests and appointments are required to track your recovery progress. 

Health Benefits:

  • It is a minimally invasive option for a potentially alarming threat. 
  • Takes less time to heal and recover from the inside and out. 
  • Requires less bleeding without any serious surgical complications. 
  • Monitoring on the computer screen allows a precise and controlled operation.
  • Provides an adequate view of the internal body, allowing precise proceedings.
  • Less pain due to tiny incisions, hence, minimal pain syndrome is reported.
  • You may resume your usual activities within a week or two without any difficulty.
  • Furthermore, this is an upgrade to your general well-being, preventing future risks.

Potential Side Effects:

Our operative measures are approved by the FDA standards. Hence, there are no serious risks latched to the procedure. You may feel soreness at the operative site or discomfort while urinating. However, this is a natural reaction to the new changes. Timely intake of medication is strongly advised to prevent any potential complications. Moreover, your surgical scars will eventually fade away gradually. 


Your road to recovery is passing and promising. In rare cases, patients are discharged the same day. However, we strongly suggest post-surgery hospitalization for a minimum of 24 hours approximately. This allows us to monitor your general health and provide post-surgical care. A few antibiotics along with topical medications are prescribed for smooth healing. You shall return to your normal routine within a month. However, strenuous activities and other weight lifting are prohibited for a limited time. 

Cost And Service Charges:

Depending on the density or complexity of the situation, the ideal treatment plan is determined. Consequently, there are other factors such as the total percentage of anesthesia and your hospital stay; that may increase the final estimation of the overall operation. It is due to these reasons the average cost of Hernia Surgery In Dubai ranges between AED 15,000 to AED 30,000. For a precise price of your assessment, it is advised to consult with healthcare experts.

Book A Free Consultation:

For more information about Hernia Surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi feel free to fill up your details in the form below and book a free consultation with us today. Or call our hotline and register yourself for a pre-booked appointment with our senior Surgeons at Enfield Royal Clinic.