Fat Reduction With Cool Sculpting What You Need To Know in Dubai

Unwanted excess body fat has always been a concern for people. Everyone dislikes the appearance of extra fat on their bodies. It makes them uncomfortable about their physical appearance. People opt for different ways to get rid of this excess fat. Some try to follow certain diets and exercise. When these diets and exercises do not work they opt for the surgical or non-surgical processes. How about we tell you that you don’t need to undergo a difficult surgical process to achieve the body of your dreams? Fat Reduction With Cool Sculpting in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah helps people achieve their desired body without undergoing any surgical process.

Cool Sculpting- A Brief Intro?

Cool sculpting or cryo-lipo, is a non-invasive procedure that gets rid of unwanted fat cells by freezing them. These cells are frozen to death as they are put under extremely cold temperatures in this noninvasive procedure. People try different ways, tips, and tricks to achieve their desired figures. They follow certain diet plans, and regular exercises to achieve the physical figure they want. There are also many surgical processes available for getting rid of unwanted fatty cells. However, some people do not like to undergo invasive operations as they are afraid of surgical knives, and other instruments. With the cryo-lipo method, you no longer have to be afraid.

Preparing For Fat Reduction Method:

  • The first thing is that a patient should always have realistic expectations from the treatment. 
  • Discuss everything with your doctor, and inform them about your desired results.
  • Your doctor will examine your health and your medical history.
  • A person should be near their ideal weight.
  • Make sure to protect your skin before the process. Avoid tanning your skin or going under the sun. If a person suffers from a sunburn the treatment process won’t be pleasant for them.
  • Do not take any type of blood thinning medications as they can increase bruising.
  • A person must refrain from smoking cigarettes, vaping, or any other thing.
  • Drink plenty of water as it helps your body to remove any toxins that are present.

How is Fat Reduced with this Method?

As this is a completely non-invasive procedure so it does not require any type of anesthesia during the process. The doctor will start the process by applying an applicator to the body part being treated. This applicator has an installed vacuum. This vacuum helps targets the fatty cells. The applicator produces a cooling effect that targets the fat cells of different parts of the body. The cells are destroyed by applying freezing temperatures to them. This freezing temperature does not affect the surrounding areas and only focuses on the fat cells.

Areas Treated With CryoLiposis Method?

This treatment targets certain areas of the body. These areas are:

  • Upper and lower abdomen.
  • Thigh areas (upper and inner).
  • Love handles.
  • Chin.
  • Buttocks.
  • Waist.

Does CryLipo Method Really Work?

Yes, the cosmetic procedure of cool sculpting has a high success rate. It has benefited the majority of people. 

How Long Do the Results of CryoLipolysis Last?

The results of this procedure can last from 6 to 9 years. When you destroy the existing fat cells, the chances of gaining new fat cells are low. However, a person should maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle to maintain the outcomes.

Fat Reduction With Cool Sculpting What You Need To Know in Dubai Best Fat Reduction With Cool Sculpting What You Need To Know Clinic in Dubai Best Fat Reduction With Cool Sculpting What You Need To Know in Dubai

After Effects of Fat Freezing Method:

Since the procedure is completely non-invasive and does not require the use of any cuts, or anesthesia, it does not have any side effects. People may experience minor side effects such as:

  • Swelling.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Redness.
  • Minor pain.

How Much Weightloss Can You Expect From Crylipolysis?

With the help of this treatment, patients can achieve about 15 to 28% of fat loss in a time period of about 4 months. The patients can lose an average of 2 to 5 pounds from this treatment.

How Much Does Crylipolysis Cost?

This method is a bit costly method. As it requires professionally trained experts to perform this procedure. The cost of coolsculpting in Enfield Royal Clinic Dubai ranges from __AED to __AED.

Say Bye To The Fat Cells!

Everyone wants to achieve a slim, fat-free figure. If you want to book an appointment with us to achieve your desired body, you can consult us at Fat Reduction With Cool Sculpting in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah by filling out the consultation form provided below.