Innovative Dental Implants Techniques In Dubai & Abu Dhabi Cost

Are you fighting tooth decay? Does your lost tooth make you conscious about your appearance? Do you feel like it is a hurdle in your way to take photos with an open mouth? Fear not, as Innovative Dental Implants Techniques In Dubai & Abu Dhabi can help restore your radiance. They bring happiness back into your life. In this blog, we will guide you on how Dental Implants In Dubai offer transformation in people’s lives, allowing them to confidently embrace joy with a big heart.

Introduction To The Dental Process: 

When a natural tooth undergoes decay, the resulting gap can be remedied through a surgical treatment involving the placement of artificial roots. Titanium, commonly employed for these dental anchors, replaces the cavities and establishes a robust foundation within the jawbone.  These cables act as support structures for various dental prosthetics, including crowns, bridges, or dentures, ensuring a strong and enduring solution to the oral void. But if you have metal sensitivity there is an alternative zirconia root that gives comparatively a more natural appearance.

The Techniques:

Cutting-edge technology is significantly improving people’s lives by delivering precision and accuracy. The following list highlights advancements in the field of dentistry; 

  • 3d Printing: Utilizing an advanced approach, three-dimensional printing constructs objects layer by layer based on digital models. This method enables the creation of uniquely shaped components tailored to the patient’s specific anatomy. The personalized nature of this process enhances both the fit and functionality of the produced parts. 
  • Immediate Load Implants: Streamlining the process, they’ve enabled the attachment of the final prosthetic on the same day as the dental roots, saving valuable time for individuals with busy schedules.
  • Nanotechnology: Proven to enhance the integration of osseointegration devices with natural bone tissue, this technology involves the modification of artificial root structures at the nano level using nanomaterials. These modifications promote superior adhesion and bonding with the jawbone.
  • PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) Therapy:  This method is widely employed post-tooth extraction to expedite the healing process. It involves utilizing the patient’s blood, which is collected, centrifuged, and then injected back into the treated area. This technique not only facilitates faster healing but also aids in bone regeneration, particularly in the context of implant procedures.
  • Laser Dentistry: this is a highly effective medical technique harnessing laser technology for diverse dental remedies. Renowned for its pain-free nature, this approach ensures minimal discomfort throughout the entire process.
  • Osseodensification: prioritizes the augmentation of bone density during the preparation of recipient sites. Its primary objective is to foster enhanced bone integration, ultimately elevating the stability and success rates of Dental Implants anchors.

What Happens During The Session?

The details of the steps involved are; 

  • First, you need a consultation with your dentist. They will examine the bone density using an X-ray or CT scan. Also, they will assess your dental history, so any kind of complications or sensitivities could be avoided during the session. 
  • After examination, they will develop a personalized treatment plan for you. It will include the number of implants needed and the type of prosthetic (crown, bridge, or denture) that will be used. 
  • If there are residual of the previously damaged denticles, it will be removed. 
  • In a few cases, a solid foundation is provided using procedures such as bone grafting, or sinus lift. 
  • There are generally 2 ways to do the surgery; In one method, the installation of the artificial root and the crown is done on the very same day. 
  • While, in the second approach, the implants are installed into the bones and the patient is sent back home. After a few weeks, the patient comes back for step 2. 
  • Your dentist will be careful about the restoration, regarding its size, and color to match your natural teeth and give you a more comfortable experience when chewing. 
  • In the end, you will be provided with instruction on oral care and hygiene. It will help in prolonging the cure and maintain their health. 
  • Follow-up procedures are recommended to assess the progress of the treatment. 

The Benefits Include:

Feel confident with the marvelous post-treatment advantages we have  listed below; 

  • They give a more natural feel and look, ultimately improving your aesthetic standards. 
  • They integrate with the jawbone naturally, resulting in enhanced comfort while chewing. 
  • It improves your speech by allowing you to speak fluently without any hurdles. 
  • They help preserve the adjacent teeth as this procedure doesn’t require the reduction of neighboring healthy teeth for support. 
  • It improves your oral health because they are easier to clean compared to other replacements. 
  • Moreover, they have a high success rate if done by specialized healthcare professionals.
  • They prevent bone loss through the process of osseointegration. Thus, maintains the natural shape of the face and preserves your facial aesthetics. 

Book A Free Consultation:

Want to know more about Innovative Dental Implants Techniques In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Our team is at your service to assist you. Schedule your appointment conveniently using our online booking system. Visit us at Enfield Royal Dental Clinic and find solutions to all your dental inquiries.