Hair Transplant for Women's Hair Loss in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Royal

Welcome to this informative blog dedicated to exploring the solutions made specifically for women experiencing hair loss. The issue is that it can impact all women regardless of their genetics, general health, or current age. Hair Transplant In Dubai can help you by conveying positive outcomes and pocket-accommodating follicle relocation costs. Keep reading Hair Transplant For Women’s Hair Loss In Dubai, UAE & Abu Dhabi to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about restoring your hair and confidence.

What Is A Hair Transplant?

The main objectives of the treatment are to treat baldness or thinning and to improve the overall aesthetics. Hair follicles from the donor site, which is frequently the back or sides of the head where hair is resistant to balding are surgically transferred to the balding areas.

Why Does It Affect Women?

Hair loss in women can be attributed to various factors, including hormonal imbalances leading to conditions like traction alopecia. Females experiencing female pattern baldness may exhibit signs such as a thinning or receding hairline and reduced overall hair density. Those who have undergone plastic or cosmetic surgeries may express concerns about hair loss around incision sites. Furthermore, women facing hair loss due to trauma, accidental scarring, or burns can find potential solutions through hair transplantation or restoration procedures. These techniques aim to address both the aesthetic and psychological aspects, offering a viable option for women seeking to regain confidence and restore a fuller, natural-looking hair appearance.

What Are The Different Types?

When a female hair relocation process is completed, it can take up to six hours. While the methods are nearly the same as for men’s hair, women are not expected to completely shave their heads, just like males. During the procedure, our expert uses one of the following approaches:

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation: This involves surgically removing a skin strip containing hair follicles from the donor area, usually the head’s back or sides. The skin strip is then divided into individual follicular units. After that, these units are implanted into the recipient’s hair-losing area. Because it may be harder to hide a noticeable linear scar with shorter hairstyles, this procedure is less popular among women.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction: It is a less invasive and more modern method. Using a tiny punch instrument, individual hair follicles are taken out of the donor area. After extraction, the recipient location is filled with the transplanted follicles. Women typically choose FUE since it doesn’t create a linear scar or anything noticeable.
  • Robotic Hair Transplantation: Certain clinics help in the FUE technique by using robotic equipment, like the ARTAS system. By increasing the speed and accuracy of follicle extraction, the robot could reduce the chance of causing harm to nearby follicles.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma: with Hair Transplant: It is possible to combine PRP therapy with a hair transplant operation. PRP is made from the patient’s blood and has growth factors that have the potential to activate hair follicles. PRP injections can speed up recovery and possibly even promote hair growth in the transplant region.
  • Direct Hair Implantation: It uses a piece of specialized pen-like equipment to implant the harvested hair follicles directly into the recipient area, negating the need for prior incisions. This technique might promote quicker healing and minimize graft trauma.

After transplantation, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) devices can be used to accelerate healing and encourage hair growth in the transplanted area. Overall results can be improved with this non-invasive procedure.

Potential Benefits:

Following are some of the advantages of using the above-mentioned treatments;

  • It focuses on restoring the original and natural look of the hairline.
  • This effectively addresses both hair loss and baldness concerns.
  • Apart from physical restoration, it significantly contributes to a boost in confidence and an improved overall aesthetic.
  • The low-maintenance haircare regimen accompanying the solution adds practicality to its appeal.
  • Cost-effectiveness is a notable feature, providing an economical option for those seeking hair restoration.
  • The entire process is minimal to non-invasive, ensuring a hassle-free and comfortable experience.

Book A Free Consultation:

If you want to know more about Hair Transplant For Women’s Hair Loss In Dubai, UAE & Abu Dhabi contact us. And the big news is that our clinic is offering free consultations with the specialists at Enfield Royal Clinic. So grab this offer and register yourself to pre-book an appointment.