Can You Brush Your Teeth After A Root Canal in Dubai Price & Cost

There are so many misconceptions about Dental treatments. Some think it is one of the most painful processes to go through. Whereas, others think of it as the most expensive therapy to ever exist. The reality is actually so much different than this misunderstanding. Dental treatments are specifically designed for your benefit. And thanks to the constant upgrading of advanced technology. They are becoming more effective, longer lasting, and more importantly, a completely pain-free experience for everyone. If you are someone struggling with sensitivity or any cavity. A Root Canal Treatment in Dubai is the solution to your problem. Learn more about the course of action and find out whether Can You Brush Your Teeth After A Root Canal in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah.

What Is A Root Canal?

A rescue mission for a sick tooth. The aim of the treatment is to restore the tooth. The course of the action takes off by gaining access inside the decaying tooth. This is where the problem is. Therefore, this is where it gets tackled from. The reason why the problem takes place is because of the bacteria. It has the power to eat a healthy tooth from the inside out. It then breaks down the enamel and destroys the dentin of the tooth. One by one, it takes over the entire tooth by causing infection and inflammation inside the mouth. This pushes you to the point to reach out for help. This is where the Orthodontist comes to your rescue. The goal is to make the tooth bacteria-free. And give it a new life by placing a special Crown on top. 

Why Do You Need A Root Canal?

There are two possible scenarios that may result from a tooth cavity. One; you let the bacteria eat the tooth and get used to the ungraceful pain. This will either cause the tooth to fall on its own in time. Or the dentist will have to take it out for good. And option number two is; you opt for a Root Canal as soon as you feel uncomfortable with the pain. It will prevent the tooth from falling off. It will provide you with relief. And you will peacefully go about your life.

Is It Possible To Brush Your Teeth After A Root Canal?

The goal of the purpose is to provide comfort to patients. You can definitely brush your teeth after your appointment. There is no barrier from the treatment that will come in between your oral hygiene. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice daily. And floss after every meal. But be very gentle with your teeth while brushing and flossing. Also, it is ideal to rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and add a pinch of salt to it. This will help to keep the bacteria away.

What Happens During A Root Canal?

This is what you should expect when sitting your session;

  • Your dentist will take a few X-rays of your teeth. This will help the dentist to understand your condition well. And provide you with a customized plan made for you.
  • Then comes the injections. These are to numb the gums. And provide you with a painless experience to re-new your tooth.
  • He/She will then place a dental rubber dam on your mouth. This will help the expert to focus on the tooth of concern only. 
  • The main procedure begins now; the dentist will clean the decaying tooth. And drill inside.
  • An opening hole is made inside the tooth. The bacteria is extracted from its very core.
  • The expert will then inject a few anti-biotic injections as a dental filling. And close the entire tooth to prevent any fracture or shock to sensitivity.
  • Lastly, a custom-made crown is placed on top of the newly treated tooth. This will make the tooth feel and look as good as new.

What Are The Benefits?

There are so many benefits to getting a Root Canal Treatment in Dubai;

  • It is designed to provide relief and comfort. You will not feel electrifying waves while eating or drinking anymore.
  • It also guarantees safety for the rest of the teeth inside your mouth. The trouble-causing bacteria are removed for good. 
  • It secures a happy and healthy smile on your face. 
  • You feel confident talking and laughing with people. 
  • It allows you to brush your teeth with ease. There is no sign of bleeding at all.
  • Your gums stay healthy. And healthy gums support stronger teeth.
  • Good oral hygiene promotes a healthy immune system too. 
  • Lastly, it can last a lifetime. Be sure to make sure of it.

Book A Consultation:

If you have further concerns about whether or not Can You Brush Your Teeth After A Root Canal in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Fill in the form below to book a consultation with our friendly team today. Or schedule an appointment with our expert professionals at Enfield Royal Dental Clinic.