Best Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat Dubai & Abu Dhabi Tummy Cost

Many people dream of a flat stomach, but physical flaws are often impossible to correct with exercise or diets. With the investment of time and effort, you still don’t achieve the desired results. The ideal shape and figure of the body can be lost for many reasons, including pregnancy, sudden weight loss, or physiological characteristics that prevent the preservation of perfect body contours. Here are some of the Best Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat.

Who Needs to Lose Belly Fat?

Women or men who need to get the rid of excess belly fat have the following characteristics:

  • The abdominal wall is deformed due to excess skin or fatty tissues
  • The sagging of the skin can occur due to rapid and significant weight loss
  • Postpartum stretch marks and sagging can also be a reason
  • Men today also suffer from the fact that their appearance is far from ideal, even with regular physical exertion.

Best Ways to Lose Tummy Fat:

People who are looking to achieve their ideal body shape by removing the excess deposits of fat. Today, with many advancements in plastic surgery procedures, there are several options for aesthetic surgery. Some of the Best Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat in Dubai & Abu Dhabi include:

Abdominal Liposuction:

Liposuction is performed in different ways. In the presence of a large amount of excess body fat, a standard mechanical operation is used with a small amount of extra fat, tumescent, ultrasonic, and laser liposuction. The main difference is in the way they act on adipose tissue and destroy fat cells.

The most suitable method is selected individually; the choice depends on the initial information collected by the doctor and the expected results.

Tummy Tuck:

It is a complex of surgical techniques aimed at improving the shape, reducing the volume, strengthening the anterior surface of the abdominal wall, and transferring the stretched navel to its natural position.

It is often performed in combination with liposuction. In case of a significant excess of skin, abdominoplasty can become an obligatory part of body lifting.


There are many ways to destroy unwanted fat cells, and one of the safest and most effective ways is freezing. Its distinguishing feature is that fat cells can be selectively targeted. At low temperatures, the body requires a large amount of energy for warming, which It draws from fat cells.

During a CoolSculpting session, it is harmful to white fat that breaks down. The fat loss process continues after the procedure, so it may take several weeks or even months for the results to become apparent.

What are Some Post-Operative Recommendations?

Complications after surgery are infrequent, and to further reduce any risk, you must choose the right surgeon and clinic for your treatment. For some people, the average sensitivity of the skin can be lost, but over time, it is restored.

After the operation, patients spend three days in the hospital, observing bed rest. Painful sensations can last 1-3 days, and effective painkillers can get rid of them. Then, within 10-14 days, patients come for regular dressings.

What Results can you Achieve?

After such a treatment, many people would radically change their image, rejoicing at the opportunity to wear stylish, and fashionable things. People can get rid of their insecurity and complexes, have the chance to dress as they like, and feel confident in any environment.

Many patients also notice improvements in their bodies with a better digestive system. The postoperative scar looks typically thin and light, almost invisible on the skin. If the recovery for some reason leads to the formation of a noticeable scar, it is corrected with laser mesotherapy.

Best Clinic of Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat Dubai   Best Clinic of Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat in Dubai   Best Ways to Lose Tummy Fat Dubai

Best Ways to Lose Tummy Fat in Dubai   Best Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat Dubai   Best Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat in Dubai


At Enfield Royal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, the Best Ways to Lose Your Tummy Fat Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah are used by experienced surgeons. The recommended treatments vary in each individual case, and you are always involved in choosing and implementing the treatment. The training of our staff and their treatment of patients is always professional and hospitable.