Best Acne Treatment in Dubai UAE & Abu Dhabi Acne Facial Cost UAE

ACNE? Boosting your spirits, managing diet, cover-ups, and popping is not going to help. Leave your acne extractions to an aesthetician or dermatologist in a sterile environment.

The Royal clinic provides the Best Acne Treatment Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah with lasers, peels, and injections from experienced dermatologists using the most modern technology. So, before you come to visit us for your acne treatment, read this elaborated guide to know what acne is, how it forms, and in what ways you can manage it.

What is Acne?

Acne is a type of skin condition that occurs when excess oil and dead skin cells become clogged in the pores. Hormonal fluctuations and modern diet nowadays can mainly contribute to the development of acne. This skin problem is becoming more common among adults, especially women, and is serious enough to be treated. Acne breakouts are less likely to fade in the coming years, but not every time. Even proper skincare cannot help, and acne treatment in a dermatologist’s office remains the only solution.

In the most severe cases of Acne Scars, a combination of counter-products and repeated sessions in a dermatologist’s office are required. However, whatever the treatment, patience is required; It may take several weeks or more to get results.

Causes of Acne:

Following are three main causes of acne:

  • Genetics
  • Bacterial infections
  • Hormonal changes

Results of Acne Treatment Dubai:

It can take three to four weeks to see the Below Results.

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Acne Treatment in Abu Dhabi  Acne Treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi  Acne Treatment in Dubai

Acne Symptoms:

Acne symptoms vary depending on the individual condition. Below are the most common ones that apply to almost everyone.

  • Blackheads (closed pores)
  • Whiteheads (open pores)
  • Pustules (pimples)
  • Nodules (hard, painful lumps)

When to See a Doctor:

As soon as you notice acne symptoms, see a professional. Don’t let this skin problem take control of your mental and emotional well-being. At Royal clinic, we usually see the clients coming with acne breakouts, simply because they have piled so much on their skin and their skin barrier is shattered. All you have to do is just avoid cracking and clogging your skin without doing much and see a doctor as early as possible.

Acne Treatment Options at Royal Clinic:

Following are the popular Laser Acne Facial Treatment in Abu Dhabi & Dubai:

Medications: Medicines are the first most cure for acne, can be taken orally or topically. Isotretinoin is one of the potent drugs recommended for severe acne or Scar Removal. Tell your dermatologist if you are pregnant as this drug is not prescribed during pregnancy.

Laser Treatment: The laser beam destroys overactive glands, acne bacteria, and sebum without damaging the skin’s surface or collagen underneath. A noticeable difference is noticeable immediately, but for better results, a couple of sessions are required.

Light Therapy: The combination of red, blue, and light therapy, kills the acne bacteria, which reduces sebum production and inflammation.

Steroid Injections: The shot containing a steroid, when injected directly into acne, helps to reduce the swelling, redness, and pain of severe inflammatory acne rashes over a period of several days.

Chemical Peels: Peels are mainly recommended for flat acne. It works by exfoliating the top surface of the skin, removing breakouts, clearing clogged pores, and reducing the risk of scarring.

Skincare After Acne Treatment:

Skincare routine after acne treatment in Dubai can vary based on the type and severity of your acne. For most people, it’s best to wash out the face 1-2 times a day using an approved, medicated cleanser. In addition to this, it is worth incorporating the following practices into your skincare regimen to keep acne-free skin throughout your life.

  • Cleanse your skin regularly.
  • Exfoliate but be careful
  • Don’t forget to moisturize
  • Pay attention to your diet (avoid oily and sugary foods).
  • Always take SPF with you
  • Follow the skincare plan recommended by your dermatologist.

Acne Treatment Cost in Dubai:

The average starting Cost of Acne Treatment in Dubai UAE is AED 250. This cost can go up to AED 1,500 or possibly more, depending on the severity of the acne, the number of sessions, and the type of treatment. Injections and medications are more affordable than lasers, but lasers give more impressive results.

Acne Treatment Faq’s:

It varies, But the treatment success rate for all types of acne is over 98%. You are largely in charge of your care; for example, you can stop the treatment or lower the dosage if it doesn't fit your lifestyle or if you experience any side effects. The choice is yours.

Depending on the specific needs of each patient, there are several options for treating acne on the face. Laser therapy and chemical peels are frequently suggested because they give desired results for almost every patient.

Dermatologists can treat acne using a variety of techniques, such as laser therapy, microdermabrasion, as well as thermage. These will treat acne efficiently and meet your expectations.

Treatment for acne can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on how severe it is and the method used. The broader the affected area, the more time-consuming it becomes to treat it.

Although the best acne reducer, it frequently contains ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or prescription drugs like retinoids. All of these help with mild to severe acne although different procedures are also available to eliminate the acne properly.

A hydrafacial can help contribute to reducing acne by providing hydration. This painless, medical-grade procedure effectively cleanses pores, diminishes oiliness, and enhances skin hydration, leading to visibly noticeable results.

Pros and Cons of Acne Treatment:


The prime benefit is that our acne treatments are suitable for all skin types. Here are some additional benefits of this treatment.

  • Eliminates congestion in pores.
  • Get rid of skin bacteria that cause acne.
  • Removes acne-damaged skin from the roots.
  • Gives acne-free skin after 1-2 sessions


In general, acne treatment is safe as long as you are treated by an expert. Acne Treatment Clinic in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah, if done by an untrained dermatologist, there is a chance to experience

  • Scars
  • Poor results

Consult the Best Dermatologist for Acne:

Seeing a medical professional may be your best bet for finding an acne solution that works. It is worth meeting with Dr. Zeinalabdin Al Abdullah at the Royal Laser Skin Clinic for all your acne problems. He is a highly trained specialist dermatologist, helping patients treat even severe acne, even on the most sensitive skin, utilizing lasers, chemical peels, and injections. If acne affects your self-esteem and you’ve tried your best to treat them, see your doctor right away. Contact us today to make an appointment with him.

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