Best Dermatologist in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Skin Specialists in Dubai Royal

Getting Clear, Even Skin is the Holy Grail of Beauty!

According to statistics, skin diseases occupy one of the first places in prevalence among the population. There are many reasons for this. Skin diseases can be hereditary, allergic, immunological, infectious, and many other factors. However, often the cause of skin diseases is an internal pathology. In this case, minor changes in the skin turn out to be the first manifestations of serious diseases, for the determination of which timely diagnosis is crucial. People who want to get skin-related problems diagnosed and treated should research the Best Dermatologist in Dubai & Abu Dhabi to find the best option available.


Dermatology is a medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pathologies of the skin and its appendages like hair, nails, sweat, and sebaceous glands. It is one of the oldest branches of medical science, and the skin is the largest human organ that is the first in the line of defense.

Enfield Royal Clinic provides dermatological services such as:

  • Dermatologist consultation
  • Prescribing a treatment regimen
  • Laboratory diagnostics

Results of Skin Specialists Dubai:

Treatment of skin diseases not only eliminates the disease itself and its symptoms. But they also restore a radiant and healthy appearance to patients’ skin. A qualified and experienced doctor will give an appropriate diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment. These two factors directly impact the results of all dermatological problems.

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Best Dermatologist in Dubai  Dermatologist in Dubai & Abu Dhabi  Dermatologist in Dubai

Who is a Dermatologist?

The dermatologist is responsible for the detection and treatment of skin diseases. A dermatologist dedicates himself to the prevention, aftercare, and rehabilitation concerning diseases of the skin, the mucous membranes, and the skin appendages such as nails and hair.

Skin diseases can have different causes. Therefore, The type and severity of the disease, as well as the complexity of the skin and mucous membranes, require a wide range of diagnostic interventions and forms of treatment.The dermatologist treats it conservatively and surgically, depending on the diagnosis.

When to See a Dermatologist?

Skin diseases are diverse and multifaceted, and they can be acute and chronic, infectious, and non-infectious. Their clinical manifestations are always different. Only a dermatologist can make the correct diagnosis after an appropriate examination.

You should see a Dermatologist in Dubai & Abu Dhabi if you have any of the following problems:

  • Itching, rash, redness, flaking, pigmentation, neoplasms, etc. may indicate skin diseases
  • Aesthetic issues such as spider veins or varicose veins
  • Scar corrections after skin injuries or burns
  • Dandruff, eczema, or excessive hair loss
  • Age-related problems like wrinkles and sagging skin

Diagnostics & Treatment of Dermatological Diseases:

A visit to a dermatologist is the first and necessary step to diagnose diseases of the skin. Since the entire surface of the skin is visible, the dermatologist has the advantage of conducting a direct visual examination, which can be supplemented by various instrumental assessments like blood tests, biopsies, Keloid Scars, allergy tests, etc.

In addition, it is essential to collect a detailed personal and family history to fully assess the characteristics of the skin lesions. In conclusion, the goal of a dermatologist is to find the most effective and appropriate treatment for optimal patient care.

Diagnostics at our Clinic:

At the current level of development of medicine, many diseases, including the most serious ones, can be easily cured in the early stages. That is why it is vital to notice the slightest disturbances in the body as early as possible and contact a medical institution.

Following are the diagnostic methods used at the clinic:

  • Dermoscopy of Moles and Neoplasms:

Dermoscopy is a modern apparatus method for examining skin neoplasms, which has a high diagnostic value. It is performed using a particular dermatoscopy device. The color and microstructure of different layers of the skin can be examined using a dermatoscope.

  • Biopsy or Tissue Examination:

A biopsy removes a small tissue sample and is, therefore, a prerequisite for a precise diagnosis. But that’s not all; the nature of the tumor cells examined also determines the treatment approach taken to solve the issue.

Treatments at our Clinic:

Depending on the patient’s situation and specific requirements, the dermatologist can prescribe medical, pharmacological, surgical, or aesthetic procedures. Examples of treatments for various dermatological problems:

Laser Treatment:

It is one of the most modern in cosmetology and has become an indispensable treatment option. It enables the precise or extensive treatment of various skin problems.

Acne and Acne Scar Treatment:

Acne is the most common skin condition that dermatologists must deal with. Acne treatment encompasses the use of ointments and topical creams. Acne scars require chemical peels, dermabrasion, or laser treatment.


Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure, the essence of which is scraping off the surface layer of the skin. The treatment is carried out using a unique device having an attachment made of abrasive materials.


The technique helps to treat varicose veins and neoplasms effectively. The technique’s essence consists of injecting chemicals into the diseased vein that destroy the inner lining of the varicose vein.


Mesotherapy is the intradermal administration of cocktails from preparations that contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and peptides.

PRP Injections:

These are injections of concentrated amounts of platelets in plasma. They are injected into the skin or scalp for facial rejuvenation or prevention of hair loss.

Cost of Dermatologist’s Appointment:

The cost of all dermatological treatments can depend on the type of disease and the technique used to treat them. An average estimated range can be from AED 500 to AED 2000, depending on the number of sessions needed for treatment.

Why Choose us?

Have you been looking for the Best Dermatologist in Dubai & Abu Dhabi for a long time? You’ve finally come to the right place! We offer you expert dermatological treatments according to the latest medical standards and all this at the most affordable rates. At Enfield Royal Clinic, we specialize in aesthetic, cosmetic, and skin-improving services.

With us, you are in the right hands! You can completely trust our experts with your skin treatments.

Book a Free Appointment

Book a free initial consultation with the Best Dermatologist in Dubai & Abu Dhabi at Enfield Royal Clinic. We have the most experienced and competent doctors at our clinic to help you deal with your skin problems.