What Are the Risks of Not Treating Gynecomastia?

Are you considering Gynecomastia a minor concern and are self-conscious about your body? It can be alarming for you if remain untreated. Don’t wait too long, it is better to address it soon.  Explore its consequences to avoid long-term effects. Stick to this read to get your answer What Are the Risks of Not Treating Gynecomastia?

Understanding Gynecomastia!

A medical condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissues is called Gynecomastia. It may seem a minor issue and is often neglected. But if it is left untreated it can be dangerous. Gynecomastia can lead to physical, emotional, and psychological consequences.

The following reasons trigger the enlargement of male breasts:

  • Hormonal Modifications especially during puberty.
  • Certain medications like steroids and marijuana.
  • Liver disease, kidney failure thyroid concerns, etc.
  • In some cases, heredity might be the cause.
  • Unbalanced diet and alcohol consumption.

What Are the Risks of Not Treating Gynecomastia?

Ignoring or not treating this illness can generate the following impacts:

Physical Complications: Pain and Discomfort

As the chest size increases, some men might experience a sense of heaviness in the chest area. It can trigger pain as well. The breasts may become tender or swollen resulting in discomfort. Labor activities like exercise are very difficult under such conditions.

Without proper care, it can further enlarge leading to permanent and more invasive therapy such as surgery.

 Emotional and Psychological Impact

Gynecomastia is not only a physical illness, it can affect a person’s mental and emotional health as well. Many men argue that they feel less confident and have a decrease in self-esteem about their appearance. Especially when they participate in activities like swimming or going to the gym.

Risk of Anxiety & Depression

Constant worrying about physical appearance and public image can make people depressed especially when they have gynecomastia. Particularly younger individuals are very conscious about their self-image. 

Social Isolation

Men with severe gynecomastia withdraw themselves from social interactions>it happens due to disappointment resulting from large breasts. They refrain from wearing few clothes and do not accept invitations to social events.

Long-Term Health Risks

If left as it is, gynecomastia can shape into long-term health complications. It can increase the risk of developing breast cancer however this chance is low in men as compared to women. Regular monitoring and taking care of your health can help manage these conditions. 

Chronic pain

 Excessive gynecomastia can lead to chronic pain in the chest area especially when the breast size increases at a higher rate. It kicks you out of physical activities like exercise making them harder to treat without surgery.

Global Prevalence of Gynecomastia 

Age groupPrevalence(%)
Older Men37

The given data is estimated, not the exact one.


Ye sit affects up to 50% of people in their puberty or older age.

Both credit and debit cards can be utilized for payment.

Yes, it can target you genetically as well.

Men with such a condition might have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer.

Yes, it can target one as well as both breasts.

Say Goodbye to Gynecomastia by Booking Us!

We are waiting to welcome you at Enfield Royal Clinic where you get Gynecomastia treatment at a very reasonable price. Our expert and experienced medics will inform you What Are the Risks of Not Treating Gynecomastia? Grant this opportunity to avoid the risk of dangerous diseases. Book an appointment now!