Best Male Gynecologist in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah Gynecology

The gynecologist is a significant figure in a woman’s life. Compared to the general practitioner or other specialists, he is the person who will treat her most intimate parts. The patient must tell them about situations and conditions that she would not reveal to other people out of a pure sense of modesty. That is why finding the right one is essential to feel safe and comfortable. Best Male Gynecologist in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah with whom you feel at ease and can trust as a professional and as a human.

Who is a Gynecologist?

A doctor specializing in gynecology is responsible for diagnosing and treating disorders that affect the female reproductive system. The task of a gynecologist is also to guide the woman during the period of pregnancy. These specialists frequently treat the following pathologies:

  • Infections of the female reproductive system
  • Benign tumor conditions
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic pain
  • Sexually transmitted infections

The specialist’s task is to guide and help the woman during the period of pregnancy, during labor, and deliver and offer post-partum assistance when necessary.

Best Male Gynecologist in Dubai:

Dr. Rashad Haddad is the Best Male Gynecologist in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah who is certified by the French board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He has extensive experience in his field and only uses modern and effective treatments.

He has experience in performing aesthetic treatments and can work for the eradication of defects caused due to childbirth trauma or congenital anomalies.

How to Find the Best Specialist?

Finding the right specialist for you involves research, which can be conducted on several fronts. Generally, people take the reference of family or friends and check the reviews online.

Asking a trusted friend or doing an online search to find professionals in the field who work in your city or in the neighboring areas. One of the most popular methods of finding the right doctor is still word of mouth.

Following are some of the characteristics a good doctor must have:

Extensive Experience:

Having experience in his field is the characteristic you must look for in every type of doctor. You must rely on doctors who specialize in their fields and have extensive experience. Only choose surgeons who have acquainted themselves with the latest techniques and already have a lot of experience.


It is also essential that your doctor openly and clearly tell you when you don’t need treatment. They can ask you to stop self-diagnosing and self-treatment and take professional advice.

Trust and Empathy:

Like all human relationships, the professional doctor-patient relationship has an emotional and intuitive side. Therefore, you and your doctor must develop confidence. You must be able to trust your gynecologist to make every appointment comfortable and not embarrassing or awkward.

When to Ask for an Appointment?

After a girl reaches puberty or the age of sexual maturation, she must have one exam annually, even without any particular problems or specific symptoms. It is recommended to refer to the gynecologist for any issues concerning the reproductive system. Women with fertility issues or difficulty conceiving can also refer to a specialist.


At Enfield Royal Gynecology Clinic, you will find the Best Male Gynecologist in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. The most excellent quality of a doctor would be that he puts you at ease and makes you feel followed and listened to; if he can provide you with all the information, you need in an understandable and timely manner and guarantees you excellent communication and service.