Brow Lift Surgery in Dubai

If you want to improve facial harmony, a brow lift surgery is the best option. It can have a significant impact on the overall harmony of the face. It enhances both aesthetic charm and emotional expression. In this blog, we’ll explore How Does Brow Lift Surgery Impact Overall Facial Harmony?

What is Browlift surgery?

A cosmetic procedure that allows you to align the eyebrows. This method helps to give the eyes and face a more young appearance. It is suitable for both women and men. It can fix the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead causing the eyebrow to sag. If you suffer from the following symptoms, consider having this surgery:

How Does Brow Lift Surgery Impact Overall Facial Harmony?

It plays a vital role in improving the balance of the face. We will list some of the ways it can help below:


  • Improved symmetry
It can help the face look more symmetrical.
  • Fixes brows positioning
The positing of the brows can also be fixed.
  • Eliminates forehead lines
It can also assist in eliminating forehead lines.
  • Making the eyes appear big
Your eyes will appear big after this treatment.
  • Young appearance
By lifting the droopy eyebrow, it can help you look young. 
  • Improves functioning
It can further improve the functioning of the eyes. 
  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem
Moreover, Your confidence and self-esteem will also be improved. 

Brow lift solutions for facial harmony

Various surgical procedures are used for each case:

Endoscopic Brow Lifting:

  • A tool is inserted under the skin that helps get a clear view of the tissues and muscles.
  • Afterward, tiny incisions are created.
  • The forehead’s skin is tightened.

Temporal Brow Lifting:

  • It authorizes you to increase the outer part of the eyebrow.
  • In this technique, incisions are made on the scalp.
  • Specialized instruments are used to install threads that can make the skin tight.
  • If it’s required, a tiny flap of skin is removed.

Coronary Lift:

  • This technique requires large incisions.
  • They will exfoliate the skin and pull it into the required position.
  • Extra skin is removed.
  • The wounds are secured.
  • For a more powerful fixation, the incision can be fixed with brackets.

What to expect?

The results are immediately visible. After recovery time ends, swelling and scars will fade. The final change will appear over the next few months. However, the speed at which you will notice change will vary. 

How to prepare?

Follow these instructions before the procedure

  • Don’t wear makeup.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol.
  • Stop taking blood-thinning drugs.
  • Fast for 8 hours.
  • Avoid harsh skincare products.


  • Take prescribed antibiotics and medications.
  • Move your head slowly.
  • Avoid harsh skin products.
  • Keep the operated area dry and clean. 
  • Avoid heavy physical movements.

Recovery timeline

The healing time can vary. In general, it takes about 12 weeks to recover from this surgery. In the first week, you may experience bruising and swelling. After week 1 it starts to fade away. You can get back to your normal routine after this phase. But avoid heavy movements.

Book us!

If you want to learn more about how does brow lift surgery impact overall facial harmony, fill in the form or call us to book an appointment at Enfield Royal Clinic