Can You Get A Hollywood Smile Without Veneers in Dubai Price & Cost

There is nothing wrong with embracing your natural teeth. If you want a straight set of healthy-looking teeth with a bright charming smile. We can aid you according to your will and wish. We are offering numerous services under Hollywood Smile In Dubai. So if you are looking for more information about the treatment, visit our website and read about your ideal procedures. Or scroll through this guide to learn more on; Can You Get A Hollywood Smile Without Veneers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. We have some remarkable options for everyone, including those who want a natural persona.

What Is A Hollywood Smile?

This is a cosmetic procedure that is an umbrella treatment to several different dental services. To beautify the appearance of your sizzling smile, we will implement non-invasive techniques to clear away dentin or stored plaque around your gums. There are teeth whitening therapies and aligning strategies to give you a Hollywood-worthy radiant smile. To learn more details about the treatments, read the guide below and enlighten yourself on the magic of this miraculous transformational journey.

What If I Don’t Wish To Opt For Veneers?

We are offering a wide range of non-invasive methods to restore the brilliance of your radiant smile. So if you are somebody, who does not want to have any Veneers, we can introduce you to dental braces or Invisalign to straighten your teeth. If you have a minor space or discoloration due to smoke stains and alcohol. We can fix that and re-establish the natural beauty of your aesthetics.

What Is The Procedure For Restoring A Beautiful Smile?

Below is general information about the different steps and stages of the process. Read and discover the implemented techniques you ought to undergo;

  • The initial step is the consultation. The expert will examine your dental health and determine the most suitable way to restore your smile.
  • On the day of the appointment, we will deep clean your mouth using advanced dental tools and equipment to remove the built impurities.
  • An anesthetic gel is applied to the gum to prevent any possible risk of irritation or soreness. The numbing effects will activate within five to six minutes.
  • After which the main action takes place. In the case of a cracked tooth, some dental bonding is introduced to reshape or rebuild the edges of the affected regions.
  • Any misalignment or unevenness can also be addressed without opting for dental veneers or braces at all. We can cautiously use a tiny dental drill to straighten away the edges and front lines. And apply the dental bonding technique to reform the teeth.
  • Similarly, if you are missing a tooth or two, dental implants are installed to fill up the empty spaces in your mouth.
  • The yellow or gray tones on the teeth are also cleared away using Laser Zoom or manual whitening procedures.
  • In the end, you are guided about your homecare precautions. Or you can even take away a self-care kit to prolong the shine of your newly stored smile. 

What Are The Expected Results?

We gathered versatile beneficial outcomes of undergoing a Hollywood Smile In Dubai. Read and explore the happy facts;

  • The first and most important factor is the boost in your confidence. You will be able to laugh out loud with comfort and smile without feeling conscious about yourself.
  • No more bad breath is going to cause embarrassment to you. Nor bother anyone sitting or standing at a closer distance with you.
  • Even your intimate moments are going to last long since your breath is going to feel and smell fresher than ever before.
  • This is also an upgrade to your aesthetic smile and overall facial profile. You appear cheerful and pleasant to talk to.
  • Furthermore, your dental health is improved and restored. You can brush your teeth with ease and easily consume your food as well.
  • Whether you have had a tooth implant or dental filling, you can floss your teeth and brush twice daily or more; as prescribed to you by your dentist.
  • Moreover, there is no downtime to either of the treatments. You can easily go back to work or run a few errands on your way home.
  • And lastly, with persistent care and oral practice, you can prolong the healthy effects for a longer period of time. 

Book A Free Consultation:

If you are worried about your unappealing smile due to a chipped tooth or paleness? Allow us to take care of your smile. Simply fill up your details in the form below and book a free consultation with one of our friendly team today. Ask away your inquiries regarding; Can You Get A Hollywood Smile Without Veneers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Or sign up for a scheduled appointment with our top Dentists at Enfield Royal Dental Clinic.