Beauty Gurus are preaching double standards of beauty today! – having additional fat is suddenly okay in the digital world. But let’s face it, being overweight or having a double chin is not a standard of beauty or health status! If you’re concerned about your self-image and wish for a streamlined facial profile, we are here to help!
Explore Double-Chin Liposuction to achieve a defined jawline. The guide addresses answers to your query; Are There Any Side Effects of the Best Double Chin Liposuction? – explore everything you need to know about the surgery for elevated aesthetics.
What is a Double-Chin Lipo?
It is regarded as the most convenient option against the submental fat that is stored under the chin. These accumulated fat deposits can be eliminated with Liposuction by suctioning out the excess fat which cannot be reversed otherwise – patients find it difficult to get rid of double-chin with just exercising or eating healthily. This is where the surgical procedure locks prominent changes around the platysma by creating a snatched look to your chin.
How does the surgery work?
A Double-Chin Liposuction is a medical-grade treatment that lasts between 1-2 hours. It is performed by making a few incisions into the chin; this is where a cannula is inserted inside the skin – a special machine is attached to the tube to break down the fat cells and suction them away. In the end, the skin is sutured to give you a lifted look. Additionally, this surgery also addresses aging issues by lifting the sagging skin for a seamless facelift.
Liposuction for your double chin
Liposuction is a great procedure for removing all unwanted fat while sculpting the area with precision. However, some potential downsides should be kept in mind before undergoing the surgery.
Are There Any Side Effects of the Best Double Chin Liposuction
Facial Swelling & Edema:
The post-surgical effects can stay put for 3-4 weeks. Patients are advised to gently press cold compressors against the puffiness, and sustain adequate hydration.
Bruising Or Scarring:
Although the scars aren’t deeply rooted, however, they cannot be camouflaged either – it takes 7-14 days for inevitable bruises to calm down and gradually fade away.
Due to anesthesia, the sensation of the skin is lost for a few days. This means you cannot feel movement around the upper/ lower chin with discomfort and soreness.
Influence of Medication:
With pre-drug dosage and prescribed antibiotics, patients often feel nauseous with uncomforting muscle and throat soreness.
Skin Laxity & Asymmetrical issues:
Oftentimes, due to poor healing, the skin loses elasticity and symmetrical alignment as it recovers and settles down to its new location; causing evenness on the chin.
Risk of Infection:
Poor healing or lack of aftercare can lead to damaged skin barriers which can develop infection, pus, blood clotting or even bleeding.
Thrombosis or Embolism:
When patients do not take long resting hours, due to oxygen shortage or exhaustion; liquid fat enters the bloodstream causing a blockage or obstruction in the arteries.
How to minimize post-surgical drawbacks?
Pin downtime in your mind! Patients must schedule a recovery period; meaning a mini pause from all work or other activities to successfully heal without risking the complications above. Here’s how you cast off the risk of side effects.
- Steer clear of cigarettes and all liquors.
- Discontinue supplements for a while.
- Avoid blood thinning medications.
- Rigorously follow aftercare instructions.
- Attend your follow-up appointments.
- Eat a clean and semiliquid diet.
- Drink plenty of fluids & fresh juices.
- Sufficiently consume your water intake.
- Rest up, and sleep for at least 6-8 hours.
- Do not lift heavier items or exercise.
- Refrain from strenuous mouth activities.
- Be careful when changing into clothes.
How do the outcomes impact the quality of my life?
Your newly chiseled jawline will grant you improved self-confidence as it elevates your overall facial aesthetics.
What is the recorded success rate of double-chin liposuction?
A recent report highlights that about 63% of people have undergone Liposuction and reported 80%+ successful results over time.
How is Liposuction equally effective on the chin?
The procedure remains the same - fat cells are extracted using the same suctioning tools to draw dramatic changes while sculpting your jawline.
How long does it take to recover?
Wounds begin to heal from 3-4 weeks. However, a complete recovery takes place within 2-3 months.
How painful is liposuction for the face?
General anesthesia is used to discard all pain memory - discomfort could be sustained during the recovery phase, but it subsides in the upcoming days.
Which is better; Kybella injections or Lipo-surgery?
If you’re looking to permanently get rid of your double chin, then Liposuction is the best solution to your problem.
When do I continue my routine tasks?
After good resting days for at least 2 weeks, you can resume work or education and drive yourself places safely.
How long are the results expected to last?
Liposuction is a permanent surgery - when you look after your wellness and engage in healthy activities, the results will last a lifetime.
Book your Appointment!
For further inquiries regarding; Are There Any Side Effects of the Best Double Chin Liposuction – feel free to fill up your details in the form below and schedule your consultation for the best Cosmetic Surgery experience at Enfield Royal Clinic.