Conidering Rhinoplasty? You might be wondering Are there any Long-term side effects of rhinoplasty? Since it is a surgical procedure it has few risks such as swelling, bruising, and more. Don’t worry these are minimal and stay for a short time. They can be managed by following some aftercare instructions recommended by your surgeon.
Achieve the perfect nose with Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a surgical treatment that can help enhance the appearance and functioning of the nose. The bone and cartilage of the nose are repaired to achieve the desired goals. It has few side effects associated with it just like other surgeries. They are common and can be managed by following a few instructions recommended by the surgeon.
Are there any Long-term side effects of rhinoplasty?
As with any surgical procedure, Rhinoplasty also has some risks or complications associated with it. The recovery may take some time and it varies from person to person. The side effects are minimal and can fade away if you follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions. The following are the risks and complications of the treatment:
Swelling is very common after rhinoplasty. It gradually starts increasing in the first few weeks but, as the months progress it will start fading. The anatomy of the nose is different as compared to other parts of the body. Swelling around the nose takes time to heal. The appearance may also depend on the technique used for the procedure. Some may experience less swelling compared to others.
Minimal bleeding is also a common side effect after this procedure. Your doctor will advise you to not irritate your nose. Try not to pick your nose or insert anything in it. Little blood is fine but if you experience heavy bleeding, consult your surgeon as soon as possible.
Complex procedures like Rhinoplasty induce the risk of scarring on the patients. The type of scar and its intensity may vary from person to person and on factors like technique, surgeon’s expertise, and more. Don’t worry as time progresses they will start fading.
Pain or discomfort
You might feel minimal pain or discomfort after the surgery. Expert and qualified surgeons will prescribe some medications that will help you reduce pain and enhance your comfort. Most of the people feel discomfort only a few days after the surgery.
Does Rhinoplasty affect the shape of my nose?
Yes, you might see minimal changes in the shop during the recovery time.
Can Rhinoplasty impact my sense of smell?
Yes, due to swelling and other factors, your sense of smell may be affected.
What should I do if I experience the side effects?
You must inform your surgeon, they will advise you how to manage these risks.
Book us for Rhinoplasty you can Trust!
Contact Enfield Royal Clinic by filling out the form below or calling us on our hotline number to get expert advice on whether Are there any Long-term side effects of rhinoplasty? Moreover, you can learn about the outcomes and what you can expect from the treatment.