PRP And PRF Hair Restoration in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Cost & Price

Hair restoration is a procedure of gaining back the volume of your hair in the best possible non-invasive way which involves multiple different types of injectable procedures such as PRP, Stem Cell therapy, PRF, and others. The most done and result-oriented procedures are PRP And PRF Hair Restoration in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Both procedures are painless and result-oriented because by performing this procedure blood is drawn out of the body and then after centrifuging it returns back to the body so there remains no chance of rejection. You can have this treatment done with us at Enfield Royal Clinic in Dubai and in return, you will get a consultation for free. So fight against your hair fall and enhance the volume of your hair.

PRP Hair Restoration:

PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a non-surgical method of treating androgenetic alopecia or patterned hair loss in both men and women. Leading dermatologists believe it to be one of the safest methods for regrowing natural hair.


  • With the exception of the initial consultation, the whole therapy is broken down into three major parts. 
  • There is no need to provide anesthesia because there are no surgical incisions involved. Without it, the operation is still quite painless.
  • The first step involves taking blood from the arm and centrifuging it. 
  • After that, it is divided into three layers using a centrifuge: red blood cells; platelet-poor; and platelet-rich. 
  • This procedure takes around ten minutes.
  • The PRP which is drawn from the blood is then infused into the areas where there is less growth of hairs or hair loss.

PRF Hair Restoration:

In order to restore damaged hair follicles, stop hair loss, and promote thicker hair growth, PRF hair loss therapies make use of the most recent scientific developments in cellular regeneration. Clinical studies have shown that PRF treatment is successful in correcting baldness and male and female pattern hair loss.


  • Blood is taken, often in an amount equal to that required for standard lab testing. 
  • The blood is then placed in our PRF centrifuge, which runs at slower speeds to maintain the white blood cells, stem cells, blood platelets, and plasma together.
  • It is then time to inject the PRF. 
  • After washing your scalp, we’ll use a topical anesthetic to ease any pain. 
  • The treatment locations are also documented for before-and-after comparisons. 
  • The PRF is then injected into your scalp where your hair is thinning.
  • Every half-inch or so, these short injections are performed. 
  • Following the last wipe of your hair, the treatment is over. You can resume working or engage in your regular activities right away.


  • strengthens the hair by preventing the current hair from thinning.
  • increases the current hair’s diameter
  • The risk-free method requires no incisions or cuts
  • Because your own material is used, the technique is non-allergenic and there is no rejection.
  • One month after therapy, there was the minimal hair loss
  • Through regeneration, the scalp will have less fatty dandruff.
  • The hair is getting darker and denser as it is touched.

Book A Free Consultation!

Book your first consultation for free with Enfield Royal Hair Transplant Clinic by proceeding with the treatment and getting to know in detail about the procedure and benefits of PRP And PRF Hair Restoration in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah.