Can Buttocks Augmentation Improve the Appearance of Cellulite

Have you lost weight suddenly? Or are you dealing with post-pregnancy baby fat around your lower abdomen – we understand that unaligned fat formation that causes dents or dimples on the butt isn’t an endearing appearance to glance at! Not to mention the undesired appearance of cellulite or stretch marks interfering with your body’s aesthetics can lower anyone’s self-esteem. But let’s get you cheered up! We offer Buttock Augmentation that gives you a 2-in-1 improvement to cherish – from a proportioned hourglass figure to a flawless summer body!

What Is A Butt Augmentation?

This is a versatile technique that improves the butt re-shaping & re-sizing, as well as discarding unwanted appearance of cellulite that occurs due to aging or sudden weight loss. Furthermore, it enhances the overall buttocks area by toning the tissues underneath; adding a required percentage of fat from your body to the designated areas for a perfectly sculpted butt.

Types of Buttock Augmentation:

Enlisted below are 3 main categories that fall under the surgical procedure.

  • Brazilian Butt Lift: commonly known as BBL; it allows us to transfer fat from one part of the body to the butt for improved size.
  • Buttocks Implants: it involves inserting a silicone-based cushion into each bum to grant a fuller and rounder shape.
  • Butt Lift: this technique is all about the removal of sagging skin, and lifting the remaining to give your butt a more contoured and lifted look. 

How Does It Improve Cellulite?

The surgical process involves transferring the fat, this allows room for filling up the dented or sagging skin. With an adequate amount of fat deposits adjusted into the creased silhouettes, the butt appears fuller and rounder – eliminating dimpled cracks and minimizing the visibility of the cellulite or pale stripes that floats above and beyond your buttocks.

Benefits Of Buttock Augmentation!

There are countless advantages to Buttock Augmentation. Discussed below are some of the popular perks among our satisfied clients. 

  • It transforms the butt into a fuller and more rounder shape.
  • The key benefit is the disappearance of cellulite crimples.
  • Moreover, it will create a balanced symmetry in your waistline.
  • The good news is that the results are natural-looking.
  • It adds desired depth and equal volume to each butt cheek.
  • The final reveal will boost your self-confidence and persona.
  • Candidates talk about improved self-esteem in their preferred outfits.
  • To sum up, it’s the best solution to improve cellulite & appear appealing.


It may take a few months to recover from the inside and out - however, returning to normal activities may take 5-6 months. 

Use pillows for support, and do not sleep on your back as it may put pressure on the newly improved butt cheeks. 

Individuals with sagging bums and dealing with stretch marks or cellulite, in particular, can opt for surgery.

Yes, the results are going to last for several years - however, you may opt for non-invasive treatments to sustain the maintenance over time. 

It’s a safe and technical procedure that not only lifts and sculpts the buttocks, but also improves signs of cellulite. 

We use general anesthesia while performing this surgery. Therefore, there is no chance of feeling any pain during the procedure. 

Book An Appointment:

For further information about the surgery or inquiries regarding Can Buttocks Augmentation Improve the Appearance of Cellulite? – submit your details in the form below, and book a consultation with the best cosmetic experts at Enfield Royal Clinic