What Body Part Is Most Injured In Sports in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Cost

Sports provide thrills, rivalry, and a feeling of achievement. However, injuries are a real possibility in addition to the excitement. Amateur and professional athletes alike run the risk of suffering from a variety of injuries, with some body parts being more vulnerable than others. For many athletes, Sports Injuries are an unfortunate reality that can range from mild sprains to serious fractures. Along the road to recovery, professional rehabilitation is frequently necessary in addition to rest. At this point, physical therapy plays a crucial role in helping an athlete return to their highest level of performance. Read on to learn about What Body Parts Is Most Injured In Sports in Dubai & Abu Dhabi and how to prevent and treat them.

Understanding Common Injuries:

1. Lower Extremities:

The lower extremities are among the most often injured areas. The most common injuries are to the knees and ankles because of their susceptibility to direct impact, abrupt direction changes, and high-impact movements. In these areas, ligament rips, sprains, and tears are frequent injuries, along with fractures and dislocations.

2. Upper Extremities:

In sports, injuries to the elbows and shoulders are also very common. While elbow injuries include fractures, tennis elbow, and golfer’s elbow, shoulder problems that commonly occur include rotator cuff injuries, dislocations, and tendonitis.

3. Head and Neck:

Head and neck injuries, such as concussions, cervical sprains, and spinal injuries, are extremely dangerous, especially in contact sports. Using the right tools and techniques is essential to reducing these kinds of injuries.

4. Hips and Thighs:

Activities involving abrupt stops, fast acceleration, or high-impact collisions frequently result in contusions, hip flexor injuries, and muscle strains.

Factors Contributing to Injuries:

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of injuries in sports:

  • Technique and Training:

Inadequate form or improper training techniques increase the risk of injury. Athlete’s physical condition: Poor conditioning or lack of strength can make an athlete more susceptible to injuries.

  • Overuse and Fatigue:

Repeated stress or fatigue without proper recovery time can lead to overuse injuries.

  • Equipment and Playing Surface:

Playing on poorly maintained surfaces and using outdated or defective equipment can both raise the risk of injury.

  • Environmental Factors:

The risk of Sports Injuries in Dubai can also be increased by extreme weather, including extreme heat or cold. 

  • Contact and Collision:

Sports involving physical contact or collision have a higher risk of acute injuries.

  • Environmental Factors:

Playing surfaces, weather conditions and equipment quality can impact injury rates.

How to Mitigate the Risk of Injury?

  • Training and Conditioning:

Regular training and proper conditioning help build stronger muscles and increase flexibility, which lowers the risk of injury.

  • Protective Gear:

Wearing the right gear, like braces, pads, and helmets, can help avoid serious injuries.

Rest and Recovery: To prevent injuries, athletes must get enough sleep in between sessions and employ effective recovery techniques.

  • Refinement of Technique: 

The risk of some injuries can be greatly decreased by learning and using the proper techniques.

The Link Between Sports Injuries and Physiotherapy:

1. Support for Recovery: 

Physiotherapy targets injured areas with stretches, exercises, and manual therapy to help in the healing process. It is customized based on the unique needs and injuries of every athlete.

2. Pain Management:

Methods for controlling pain and inflammation include electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and the use of ice or heat.

3. Restoring Function:

The goal of physical therapy is to help athletes regain the strength, range of motion, and flexibility necessary to resume their sport.

4. Preventive Measures:

Physiotherapy can concentrate on injury prevention by identifying weaknesses or imbalances and creating plans to address them in addition to rehabilitation.

Cost of Physiotherapy in Dubai:

The price of physical therapy sessions in Dubai varies according to several factors:

Clinic Reputation: Reputable clinics with seasoned physical therapists may bill more.

Length of Session: The recommended frequency of visits and the length of each session can have an impact on total expenses.

Specialized Treatments: Higher costs may apply for extra services like sports taping, specialized equipment, or cutting-edge methods.

Insurance Coverage: Physiotherapy costs may be fully or partially reimbursed by certain health insurance plans in Dubai, affecting patients’ out-of-pocket costs.

The Importance of Physiotherapy in Sports Injuries:

The advantages of physical therapy frequently outweigh the costs, even with its high cost. Physiotherapy is a cost-effective investment for athletes because it allows them to return to their sport sooner and with optimal function.


Enfield Royal Home HealthCare Clinic Dubai: What Body Part Is Most Injured In Sports in Dubai are almost always unavoidable, but they can be reduced by knowing what causes them, taking precautions, and emphasizing safety. Injury prevention techniques should be given top priority by coaches and athletes alike to provide a safer and more pleasurable playing experience. 

Physiotherapy is a crucial component of an athlete’s post-injury rehabilitation process. Physiotherapy is a vital component of the recovery process from sports injuries, even though the cost may differ due to the importance of efficient rehabilitation and the capacity to safely return to athletic activities.