VelaShape 3 Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah Price & Deals

At The Enfield Royal Clinic, we offer VelaShape 3 for Cellulite Reduction and Body Contouring. VelaShape 3 gives impressive results without downtime or substantial pain. This procedure’s secret is that it is the first and only one to use a combination of vacuum, Els, and tissue manipulation to reduce the size and appearance of fat tissues. We offer the most affordable VelaShape 3 Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah.

What is VelaShape 3?

The treatment employs a mix of technologies to shape and thin your body, decreasing the difficult places that diet and exercise can’t reach. It works by reducing cellulite, obstructing localized fat deposits, and tightening and firming skin, with NO downtime.

The technology combines infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency radiation, and vacuum, which promote deep heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue, and the underlying dermal collagen fibers. This sort of effective heating and vacuum encourages the creation of new and better collagen and elastin which results in a localized decrease in skin elasticity, body volume, and a significant improvement in skin textural characteristics.

How much does the Velashape Treatment Cost:

The fantastic fat-burning procedure costs a lot less than overspending on invasive surgical procedures with lengthy recovery times and more dangerous problems.

The cost of VelaShape 3 treatment Cost in Dubai can range from AED 599 to AED 2999.

There isn’t a definite cost to mention because it depends on several important elements. VelaShape is a multi-purpose therapy that burns extra fat in a variety of body parts, thus the price depends on the size of the body part, the number of maintenance sessions, and the individual.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

The lack of substantial contraindications to the therapy makes it one of the finest reasons to think about getting it done; almost everyone may be a good candidate.

One caveat is that you should always consult with your primary care physician to discuss the timing of your VelaShape III treatments if you have a pacemaker or defibrillator, have recently undergone serious medical treatment or surgery, have recently recovered from a serious illness or injury, are pregnant, or are nursing a baby.

Otherwise, anybody of any age can utilize VelaShape technology as cellulite and anti-aging therapy safely and effectively. If therapy is begun before the onset of the physical symptoms, it serves as a preventative step as well.

In particular, the treatment in combination with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle can significantly improve your body confidence right from the first treatment if you have struggled with a body proportion imbalance in your lower body (abdomen, pelvis, buttocks, and hips) as a result of the presence of cellulite.

What are the Pros and Cons?

The treatment has the following pros and cons:


  • The duration of treatments is short. The actual procedure takes only 20 to 30 minutes on average, though it may take longer in some cases for different areas.
  • Afterward, there is no downtime; you may resume your regular activities right away.
  • The operation is, by most accounts, painless.
  • It works effectively in conjunction with other treatments.
  • All skin types and tones are safe with it.


  • You’ll need multiple treatments—usually, three to six sessions, spaced a week or so apart—to see results. Candela Medical, the device manufacturer, says you’ll see results in just three treatments, but multiple doctors who’ve used the device say it can take more than that. 
  • Your results will be temporary, and you’ll need three to four follow-up sessions every year to maintain them.
  • Results can be subtle.
  • This is not a fat reduction procedure, so if that’s your primary goal, you’ll probably see better results from a body contouring treatment. 

How does the Treatment Work?

Our professionals at Enfield Royal Clinic are very skilled at utilizing the VelaShape III device to efficiently temporarily decrease cellulite and minimize the circumference of the thighs and belly. The vacuum technology manipulates your skin while infrared light and bi-polar radio frequency energy gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue.

Cellulite-related fibrous bands are loosened by VelaShape’s massage and suction rollers, while the radio frequency (RF) radiation reduces the fat cells in the treatment region. Cellulite’s appearance is temporarily lessened by the combo.

Why choose Enfield Royal?

Don’t let your concerns about your extra body fat cause you to feel ashamed and less confident!

Take your time and schedule a free consultation at Enfield Royal Laser Clinic. Our skilled cosmetic surgeons are available to assist you in the best manner possible.

With customer-satisfactory, breath-taking results, we provide the best VelaShape 3 Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. You will get more instructions on the surgery, the cost, follow-up appointments, and more.