Understanding Gynecomastia - Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment in Dubai

Studies show the percentage of men aged between 50 and 80 are 25% to 70% prone to developing this health condition. But to make matters seemingly worse, often obesity or other related problems can aggravate the situation. On top of that, not everyone is either aware of their complication or has adequate knowledge to reverse the unideal circumstances. This is why we are here to guide you! Read about; Gynecomastia Treatment In Dubai. And gain knowledge by Understanding Gynecomastia: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. 

What Is Gynecomastia?

It is a health-related problem that enlarges the male breasts and causes the internal tissues to swell and becomes bigger by syncing with your age. If it is detected in your early teenage, oral aid is adequate enough to help you out. However, after a certain period of time or due to excessive fat gain, you may need to consider undergoing a reduction surgery.

What Causes The Situation?

Estrogen and Testosterone are responsible for the occurrence of this condition. Although it is a hormonal issue. However, oftentimes, the problem can occur during your puberty or later in life around your adulthood as well. Sometimes, it is an inherited defect that is present at your birth. And as you begin to grow older, so do the breasts. 

What Are The Symptoms?

Even if the problem arises during your puberty or after adulthood. Oftentimes, it is also naturally inherited or present at birth too. The signs of this problem may occur in pain or particular adolescents. This is why you feel tenderness or notice swelling on the breasts. Furthermore, nipple sensitivity against garments rubbing or unusual allergic reactions to topical products may also notify the complication.

What Is The Treatment Option For Me?

Since this is a hormonal defect, it can be reversed with the help of oral medications. The course of antibiotics will help in balancing out the uneven hormones. And reduce the size of the chest naturally. However, in some rare cases, the stored fat is too stubborn to budge. This is the time when serious analyses are performed. And with careful consideration, you are registered for a surgical method. This surgery is known as Breast Reduction. It is a cosmetic procedure that is conducted by an experienced plastic surgeon.

How Is The Procedure Held?

This is an invasive plan of action that requires multiple steps and stages to perform the perfection. Below is a brief information about the process;

  • You are taken to the operating room and put under the influence of general anesthesia to conduct this customized care.
  • The next step is to draw a few lines on the region under consideration. The expert will make an incision in this area and remove the non-cancerous tissues that are volumizing the breasts.
  • A tube is then inserted inside to slurp away the additional fat cells from beneath. This action is known as Liposuction. 
  • The entire duration is going to take two hours; more or less. The breasts are now adjusted in size and shape. 
  • In the end, the wounds are stitched closed. And some medications are applied on top to prevent any infection. 
  • Finally, you are transferred to the recovery room. A team of qualified doctors will monitor your well-being until you are all good to go home. 

What Are The Benefits?

There are multiple advantages to opting for a Gynecomastia Treatment In Dubai. Read and explore the perks;

  • After a successful recovery, you will be amazed at the number of unlimited wardrobe options that will be available to you. 
  • You are going to enjoy the ever-lasting beneficial outcomes. There is no need to wear additional clothes in this humid weather.
  • Furthermore, another pleasing fact is the boost in your self-esteem. You feel confident about yourself. 
  • The new modifications will instill healthy changes and mark positivity in your attitude as well. Hence, your private and professional life is also going to excel.
  • Moreover, candidates often mention feeling the empowered-bodied sensation due to physically appearing more masculine. 
  • It allows you to go topless on the beach and show off your perfectly toned body at the pool or even at the gym. 
  • There is another piece of good news for you. There are no side effects or long-term aftermath consequences to worry about. It is a safe and FDA-approved method to modify your masculine body.
  • Even the recovery time period is impressively short. Therefore, you will be back to your everyday life within weeks.

Book A Free Consultation

If you are looking for more in-depth insight into; Understanding Gynecomastia: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Feel free to fill up the form below and sign up for a free consultation at our clinic. Our friendly team will guide you through the fundamental foundations of this treatment. And schedule your appointment with one of our well-experienced surgeons.