The Psychological Impact Of Labiaplasty In Dubai & Abu Dhabi Cost

Do you often feel insecure in your skin and want to enhance your sexual appeal by understanding the delicate folds of your vaginal lips? With the feminist movement, societal norms saw a shift in female body autonomy, promoting, for the first time, a dedicated view of women’s anatomy. If you want to empower yourself and enhance your sensation and sensitivity while preserving an aesthetic appearance, then Labiaplasty In Dubai is a great option for you. It can create a doorway to enhanced physiological as well as mental functionality and maintain the structure of your inner as well as outer tissues of the vulva. Specialists use this treatment to mold the flanks of your skin by shaping it to appear more normal and appealing. If you want an in-depth analysis of The Psychological Impact Of Labiaplasty In Dubai then read along and empower yourself to make a decision.

What Is Labiaplasty?

It is a cosmetic enhancement procedure that reshapes the labia minora, the inner fold of the vaginal opening. It is used to even out the enlarged and protruding skin to create a feeling of symmetry. Moreover, the treatment has its medical perks too, as it reduces complications with hygiene and reduces the potential risks of UTI and other infections. Additionally, it alleviates discomfort and stabilizes its functionality while walking, exercising, or wearing tight clothing. In the end, you will be able to enjoy the youthful persona that will boost your confidence during intimate moments with your partner.

How Does It Work?

The mechanism involves excision of tissues by surgically modifying the inner folds of the vulva. It mainly involves the following two methods of removal; trimming the strip of tissues along the vulva or reshaping it by manipulating the skin and repositioning it. However, the specific technique and the amount of tissue removed depends upon your independent anatomy and the mode of action implemented.

What To Expect During The Process?

A step-by-step procedure is performed, and approved by the board to eliminate any risk factors and generate maximum results. These are mentioned briefly:

  • Before the actual treatment, a consultation is arranged to understand your desires and discuss your medical history.
  • This treatment is performed under local anesthesia with a sedative to get rid of the unwanted memories of pain.
  • It uses a two-fold phenomenon, first, the specialist will trim the outer vaginal lip and remove the tissues around it.
  • Then, a wedge-shaped tissue will be removed from the inner vaginal tissues while the wrinkled edges are preserved to promote a natural look.
  • The expert will suture together the incisions and apply a special bandage for protection from external bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Follow-up appointments are conducted to remove the gauze and thread and address any additional concerns.

Benefits To Look For:

Before undergoing Labiaplasty In Dubai, you should be aware of the benefits it has to offer you. These are given below for your understanding:

  • First of all, the treatment addresses the enlargement of your labia and reduces its size for your physical and mental comfort.
  • The treatment is versatile and can be used for both labia minora and majora to promote health and ultimately achieve the desired results.
  • It also makes maintaining your hygiene easier and simpler, potentially reducing the risk of infections, irritations, and yeast allergies.
  • Moreover, the reduction can increase both your sexual pleasure and comfort by creating a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Similarly, it also improves your libido and sexual satisfaction.
  • Furthermore, it can eliminate the prominent bulge that causes visible panty lines in tight-fitting clothes, so you can enjoy wearing a diverse variety of clothing.
  • Apart from that, the treatment reduces the risk of urinary tract infections that might be more common in women with enlarged vaginal tissues.
  • The treatment promotes a symmetrical appearance while maintaining your expectations regarding your ideal appearance.
  • Lastly, the treatment removes any self-consciousness you might encounter during intercourses and promotes enhanced self-esteem that improves your overall quality of life.

Book A Consultation:

Gain exclusive information regarding The Psychological Impact Of Labiaplasty In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Fill in the form below for a free consultation, call us, or get in touch via our live chat to book your appointment with our professional experts at Enfield Royal Gynecology Clinic.