Scar Solutions Breaking Down Hypertrophic Scars in Dubai Cost

Do your raised scars remind you of your past that you’d rather not reminisce about? Or did a playful banter lead to an injury that transformed into a healed but thick scar? Whatever the reason, now you can not bear to look at yourself due to that injury that left its dramatic remnants behind. Then do not worry Hypertrophic Scar Treatment In Dubai is made just for you. They can offer a wide variety of solutions that use cutting-edge technology. Within this revolutionized world you can find Scar Solution: Breaking Down Hypertrophic Scars in Dubai & Abu Dhabi to end your frustration and misery. Read more about the topic in this guide.

What Are Hypertrophic Scars?

These are visibly raised and thickened areas of the skin. They are normally pink or red and constantly look inflamed. They are formed in the place of previous trauma or accident that healed wrongly. However, these stay within the confinement of your old wounds. During the process of healing, the body produces excessive collagen. Apart from that, these can be triggered by other causes too namely, abnormal skin tension, infection, or even genetics. Fortunately, there are many treatments available to completely get rid of them.

Scar Removal Treatments:

  • Topical Creams: These treatments can be a great manageable option and while they can not completely remove those marks they can reduce their appearance and discomfort. These work by gently massaging the area and applying pressure for softening of the site. These mainly include silicones or vitamin E capsules.
  • Corticosteroid Treatment: It is a hormone therapy and it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It stops the growth of blood vessels within the scar and promotes the production of collagen which gradually leads to a faded and flattened appearance.
  • Compression Therapy: These either restrict blood flow, apply pressure from the outside, or provide hydration and elasticity by trapping the moisture within. It is a non-surgical approach that primarily involves applying sustained pressure to your affected area. It is usually done as a combined approach to generate optimal results.
  • Laser Treatments: They target the blood vessels within the hypertrophic scars and remove the overlying tissues that result in the potential shrinking. It is an effective minimally invasive treatment that manages almost all symptoms of your condition.
  • Surgical Excision: It is a surgical treatment that involves removing the raised skin by cutting it out and later stitching the area to close it. It is done by directly removing it, rearranging the surrounding skin, or extracting healthy grafts and replacing them.

What Is The Most Effective Treatment?

Corticosteroid treatment is the most common yet effective treatment for this type of scarring. This suppresses the cells responsible for production and reduces inflammation by stimulating the necessary proteins. Moreover, you can see visible results in the form of lightning and softening of the site as blood production is blocked from it.

What To Expect During The Process?

Several steps are followed for the success of your procedure. A potential generalization is given below:

  • Firstly, a consultation with a qualified dermatologist is arranged to understand your concerns as well as review any underlying medical condition.
  • Then on the day of the treatment, the site of the treatment is sterilized.
  • A thin needle is used to inject anesthetics medication or topical application of a numbing cream is applied to eliminate any discomfort. 
  • Lastly, multiple sessions are needed to achieve the desired results.

Benefits To Look For:

The benefits of Hypertrophic Scar Treatment In Dubai are numerous. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Primarily, the treatment can reduce the discomfort, irritation, and itching by flattening or softening out the appearance.
  • Similarly, the treatment can improve the range of mobility, functioning, and overall flexibility of your skin. 
  • It can also remove discoloration and redness associated with this specific condition.
  • It can treat conditions namely bleeding and infection that come with poorly manageable scars.
  • They can improve self-perception by removing them from visible body parts. This can elevate your quality of life.
  • Early interventions can reduce the chances of your scarring from worsening and expanding over your skin.
  • Lastly, effective treatment can prevent the same condition from recurring again. They target the underlying reason to manage your situation.

Book A Consultation:

Need more insight on Scar Solutions: Breaking Down Hypertrophic Scars in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Then, fill in the form below for a free consultation or contact us to book an appointment with our professional team at Enfield Royal Skincare Clinic.