Regenera Activa and Micrograft Treatment Dubai, Abu Dhabi Cost

One of the most cutting-edge hair treatments, Regenera Activa (autologous micro implants), is used to treat male pattern baldness and repair thinning and weak hair. Basically, 4 hair follicles and tissue from the donor region behind the ears are used during this procedure. A specific technique is used to harvest hair follicles from a region of your body that is genetically predisposed to not experiencing hair loss in order to provide your hair with all the nutrients it requires.

A healthy hair graft is removed and moved to the balding area using the Regenera Activa and Micrograft Treatment Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. One hair graft may contain one or perhaps four or more strands of hair. The FUE hair transplant procedure yields results that are permanent. The treatment permanently resolves the alopecia problem under the condition that it is carried out with expert planning and a skilled team. The implanted hair will continue to grow as a result.

Regenera Activa Therapy: What Is It? How Does It Work?

To obtain one’s own (autologous) cells is the aim of therapy. Your hair follicles, which are genetically designed to ward against the effects of DHT, the substance that causes male pattern baldness, are the foundation of therapy. Hair follicles and tissue are removed from the donor site using a unique procedure. The hair follicle progenitor cell extraction kit and regenera activa gadget are then used to begin the therapeutic process. After going through all of these phases, your body no longer contains the precursor cells and growth substances that your hair needs. They are injected into the body to deliver them.

Results of Regenera Activa?

The first results of the Regenera Activa hair treatment are often noticeable after around 3 months, though this depends on the particular situation. To get the desired outcome, patience is required. The condition of the hair dramatically improves after six months.

Hair Transplantation Using FUE:

Healthy hair graft is removed and moved to the balding area using the FUE procedure. One hair graft may contain one or perhaps four or more strands of hair. The FUE hair transplant procedure yields results that are permanent. The treatment permanently resolves the alopecia problem under the condition that it is carried out with expert planning and a skilled team. The implanted hair will continue to grow as a result.

  • Grafts are extracted (collected) from the donor location.
  • Opening the channel (incision) in the implantation zone is the next step.
  • The last step is to implant grafts in the canals.

First Step: Collecting Grafts:

FUE and FUT are two alternative techniques for graft harvesting. Follicular retrieval, or FUE, involves extracting each graft one at a time. The hair transplants are removed using the FUT technique as an entire skin strip.

The FUE procedure keeps the harvested grafts biologically active by storing them in a specific solution. They can last in this solution for around three to five hours.

Second Step: Channel Opening:

The excised grafts are stored in channels, which are tiny incisions. These canals, which can be up to 0.1 mm in diameter, are utilized to remove grafts from the donor area. Three different cuts exist:

  • Side Slot:

It is done with specialized metal blades. The cuts have a natural appearance because they are made at a little slant.

  • Transdermal:

It is carried out using specialized microneedles. Compared to the side slit technique, this is more challenging to execute. does not offer a substantial advantage in terms of density and natural appearance.

  • FUE Sapphire:

This resembles the side slit approach. Instead of using metal blades, the cuts are made with specifically created and produced sapphire blades. For greater recovery and less damage, these sapphire blades are smoother and thinner.

Third Step: Implant:

The third and last phase, implantation, involves inserting the implanted grafts one at a time into the incisions that have previously been made.


  • Reestablishes the capillary network required by hair
  • Gives life and shine to lifeless, lifeless hair.
  • Gives thinning hair thickness back
  • Increases the volume of hair.

How Long Does the Outcome Persist?

Many people have finished one session and are still satisfied with the results two years later. However, because every patient is unique, it’s crucial to go to the doctor for a microscopic inspection once a year.

Why Choose Us?

Specialists at Enfield Royal Dermatology Clinic use contemporary technology to promote hair growth quickly and effectively. The Royal Clinic offers inexpensive Regenera Activa and Micrograft Treatment Dubai for processing dermis and hair follicle samples. The material disintegrates into its individual cells in just a few minutes. The stem cells may be extracted from the liquid suspension and employed to treat alopecia-related skin areas. With the unique technology used in our facility, the full hair regeneration treatment can be completed quickly and with maximum effectiveness.