Keloid Removal Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah Price & Cost

If a wound did not heal properly it will result in rough skin at the site of the scar, which consists of fibrous connective tissue. It is unaesthetic but can also affect the condition of the joints and bones if placed in close proximity. These are called keloids. They cause the scars to stand out strongly and bring discomfort to the person. Keloid Removal Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah will depend on the treatment technique used.

Essence of Treatment:

These scars are a rather unpleasant cosmetic problem, but modern technologies make it possible to cope with this disease quickly and without complications. The main thing is a timely appeal to a doctor who can prescribe the correct and most effective therapy.


The Keloid Removal Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah can range from AED 499 to AED 2,999. The cost varies depending on the number of sessions needed and the treatment technique used. The doctor will determine the actual cost after the initial consultation.


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Best Keloid Removal Cost in Dubai & Abu Dhabi   Keloid Removal Cost Dubai & Abu Dhabi   Keloid Removal Cost in Dubai & Abu Dhabi

Effective Ways of Removal:

Modern medicine and cosmetology offer many ways to solve the problem of scars. These scars are removed surgically or by resurfacing them with a fractional laser. Below are some effective treatment methods and their respective costs:

Surgical Excision:

It is one of the oldest methods of ridding the patient of a rough scar. The essence of the manipulation is to excise the keloid scar within healthy tissues, followed by suturing the wound with a cosmetic suture. In place of the scar, a small, inconspicuous scar remains.

A complex of subsequent therapeutic measures: film-forming drugs and local injections of hormonal drugs can significantly reduce the risk of relapse, but these will also have additional costs.

Cost: The price may range from AED 599 to AED 799.


It is the effect on the tissues of a keloid scar with low temperatures. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant, which freezes keloid tissues, disrupting their structure. This leads to the death of scar cells. The procedure is virtually painless for the patient and does not require local anesthesia. If the keloid is small, one visit to the clinic is enough.

For an effective fight against a medium or large scar, 2-3 sessions are required. It is recommended to combine such therapy with injections of hormonal drugs.

Cost: The cost can range from AED 599 to AED 1999. The treatment may require you to take multiple sessions and each session will add to the cost.

Laser Resurfacing:

It is a painless and safe method of influencing keloid. With the help of a laser beam, the liquid is evaporated from the tissues of the neoplasm. The scar gradually decreases in size and dries up, becoming almost invisible. Dead cells are removed later surgically.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The number of sessions depends on the size and depth of the keloid. To achieve a positive effect, 3-5 procedures are enough. Laser therapy is recommended to be combined with other treatments for keloid scars.

Cost: The price can range from AED 499 to AED 2,999. The cost depends on the number of sessions you may need to take.

Factors Affecting the Cost:

The prices of treatments vary depending on the following factors:

  • The cost will vary according to the technique used, the more complex a problem is the more it will cost to get it treated.
  • The number of areas to be treated and whether it has to be an intricate procedure determines how much you will pay for the treatment.
  • In some treatment techniques, you may need to take multiple treatment sessions and each treatment has its own separate cost
  • The doctor’s qualification and expertise impact how much he will cost for his services.  
  • Clinic location and level will impact how expensive or how cheap treatment is.  

Why Choose Us?

Enfield Dermatology Royal Clinic offers the most effective treatments at the most affordable Keloid Removal Cost in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. The treatments are performed by experts who have years of experience and expertise. The doctors are assisted by trained and professional staff who can use the modern equipment effectively and the clinic provides a comfortable and welcoming environment.