With age, people tend to change their facial features due to the fact of aging. Along with that less intake of water, excessive exposure to the sun, no skincare, and the deficiency of vitamins may cause your face to look old by means of sagging skin, under-eye sagging, droopy eyelids, excessive growth of melanin, dark spots, loss of shine and glow on the face, shrink lips, saggy cheeks, and droopy eyebrows. To get rid of all these issues Face Makeover is done.
There are two ways of Makeover one is surgical and the other is nonsurgical which we call liquid makeover or Face Makeover with Fillers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Dermal Fillers are basically formed of Hylauronic Acid that helps you out in fighting against the aging signs. These are naturally occurring chemicals and enhance the production of glutathione as well as stop the production of melanin in order to stop the root cause of all these issues.
The facial filler procedure involves the following steps:
- The first or the very beginning stage is a consultation at which you explain your thought about what purpose you want to have this treatment done and the dermatologist clarify in detail what the procedure will provide along with the consequences.
- On the second appointment, when the procedure is planned to perform which could be on the same day, the doctor will map out the facial features that are needed to be enhanced with the help of fillers so that the filler should be placed on the right spot under the skin.
- Then after mapping, the area will be cleared with alcohol swaps to ensure that there remain no germs for infection and a numbing cream or gel is then applied for a painless procedure. Or for the purpose of minimizing the phobia of needles. The numbing gel is left for 10 to 15 minutes which will be a little discomforting but soon the whole facial tissues will feel nothing.
- After numbing the area fillers are then induced inside the skin in an appropriate manner along with the mapping done on the face. And the filler is allowed to settle at the same time by massaging to get spread equally.
- At last, the mapping or the marking is removed and the face is made clean.
- Follow-up and some precautionary measures are advised to do in order to have better results and to check on the results.
By removing small wrinkles and giving an immediate glow, dermal fillers enhance the face shape of your skin, making it seem younger. The following are a few advantages of Facial Fillers:
- Inverted chin case
- Improve and plump lips
- Restore volume to the temples and recessed cheekbones.
- Your face’s rounded contours will enhance its symmetry and characteristics.
- diminishing vertical lip lines
- Dimple Creative assistance
- a cost-effective and safe technique
- enables the look of youth
- non-invasive method
Book A Free Appointment!
Make a quick appointment at Enfield Royal Cosmetic Injectables Clinic with the top doctors in Dubai. Additionally, we are providing free consultations, so take advantage of this wonderful opportunity right away by completing the form below. This will allow us to answer any questions you may have about Face Makeover with Fillers in Dubai & Abu Dhabi as well as set up an appointment for you.