Eyelid Surgery Improves Your Appearance and Vision in Dubai Price

Many candidates are exhausted or always seem tired. Are you one of them? Does having extra skin around your eyes or drooping lids damage your confidence and vision? If yes, then Eyelid Surgery Improves Your Appearance and Vision in Dubai & Abu Dhabi at our clinic.

Eyelid Surgery in Dubai also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic process that can improve your appearance and vision. To know more about the surgery, keep reading the blog.

What is Eyelid Surgery?

It is used to remove excess skin, fat, and muscle, treat drooping or sagging eyelids, and improve the overall appearance of the eyes. Depending on the demands of the candidates, either the lower or upper eyelids may undergo this operation.

Advantages of the Surgery:

There are a lot of benefits that are delivered at Enfield Royal Clinic, some of which are as follows:

  • Better vision.
  • Eliminating extra skin.
  • Improve your entire appearance.
  • The muscles surrounding the eyes are tightened.
  • Giving a more relaxed and youthful appearance.
  • enhance your peripheral vision and eyesight overall.
  • Confidence is restored.
  • More young, renewed appearance. 
  • Positive body image.
  • No more baggy eyes.
  • Long-term outcomes.
  • Tailored treatment.
  • Less scarring.
  • cost-effective

How is the Procedure Done?

The procedure is done in the following ways:

Consultation and Evaluation:

Before the surgery, the candidate will be required to sit with the expert surgeon to let them examine their eyelids, learn about their health and overall expectations

Anesthesia and Incision:

Local anesthesia is applied to minimize the chance of scarring and to make the candidate comfortable. After that, cuts are made inside the lower eyelid surgery.

Fat and Tissue Removal:

The expert in the surgery will make the required cuts and then eliminate extra tissue, fat, or muscle from the lid. moreover, candidates will experience a smoother and younger look.

Incision Closure:

Fine sutures are used to delicately and precisely close the wounds after any necessary adjustments have been made. These sutures are typically taken out in a week or two, depending on how quickly the candidate heals. Furthermore, medication may also be prescribed by your surgeon to treat any post-procedural pain or discomfort.

Pre and After-care Instructions:

Before and after the method, the individuals are required to follow the below instructions to go through a safe procedure and to optimize the results.

Pre care instructions:Post-care instructions:
  • Avoid using blood thinners.
  • Avoid smoking & drinking.
  • Prevent walking outside in the sun.
  • Put on relaxed attire.
  • Maintain a clean complexion.
  • Maintain hydrated skin.
  • Talk about your objectives and concerns with the skilled surgeon.
  • Talk about your medical background.
  • Make sure you have a cozy place to heal.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Wear sunglasses.
  • Avoid using blood thinners.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol.
  • Keep your follow-up appointments.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals for treatments or products.
  • Stay away from water for a few hours.
  • Avoid engaging in strenuous activity.

No more Puffiness Eyes!

If any individual is considering surgery, it is essential to have a word with a qualified plastic surgeon in Dubai to discuss their choices and determine if it’s the right choice for them or not. Moreover, with proper care, the candidates can enjoy long-lasting results and see the world with improved vision and a renewed sense of self.

Book us to Redefine Confidence!

Book us right away for Eyelid Surgery Improve Your Appearance and Vision in Dubai & Abu Dhabi by filling out the below form. We are here to awaken your gaze and provide you with a brighter outlook! Hurry up, we are waiting for you.